Breaking Herself.

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This is a story inspired by someone I know, she chose to identify as a female at some point and that was her decision, but everyone is different and allowed to be who they want to be. I imagine she must have undergone a lot before getting here.


She closed her locker and turned to her best friend, excited to tell her about the big news.

She got the role.

She had auditioned for a part in the current play at their school, Betrayal in the city.

She looked up excitedly to spill the words, only to find her best friend was staring at her with wide eyes, jaw-slacked and her phone in her hand.

"Are you okay? "She asked.

Emma jaw's hang open, she shook her head, she tried to say something.

"Am your best friend, and you've been lying to me this whole time. You lnow what, just stay away from me, you disgust me." She said.

She didn't know, she didn't understand.

But all around, people were staring, phones in their hands, unreadable expressions on their faces.

Some shook their heads.

Others parted way for her as she walked towards Drama class, partying in a way even the president would be envious of.

She smiled politely,this was high school after all. People always found a reason to stare.

But then again, she was the invisible kid, so why was she suddenly the centre of attention?

What happened? Did somebody die?Did she have something on her face? Or was it because of her part in Betrayal in the city?

She grinned. Of course it was.

She, after all had gotten the main part of Jusper,who was a guy. A spirited, crazy guy.

She walked on without a care.

In drama, things were no more different,everyone looked like her like she was a bag of fragile glass,nobody wants to touch and break.

That's when she began to question herself.
Had they found out? But how?Wasn't she careful enough? Didn't she always make sure there was no one else in the washrooms before she went in? Didn't she always draw her curtains, lock her doors and windows before she even took her t-shirt off?

Or was it because she had readily fit into Jusper's part?

Suddenly, she was dizzy.

A bad kind of dizzy.

"Mr. -"

"Go. Take your time. "The drama class teacher excused her, with a look she couldn't place.

She swallowed hard, dread looming over her but went anyway.

She went to find answers.

The halls were now clear, but the presence of rejection was everywhere.

The smell of suspicion, the feeling of depression.

One girl was in the locker room, and she screamed with a squeal and left once she saw her.

Her heart pounded.

Was it true?

Only one way to find out.

So she pulled out her phone,and collapsed by the door.




I dated that girl in grade nine.

If it is a girl.

Why didn't anybody warn me?

Clearly, the she-male is secretive. Even her own brother doesn't know.


Does this mean she's into girls or what?


If she was into boys, would that make her gay?


No. No. No. No.

This can't be happening to her.

What did she do wrong? Why did she deserve this?

She ran out, out of the prison, out of the scorn, out into the world.

She didn't stop running until she was home.

"They know. "She burst to sour, salty tears.
"They all know. "

"Oh, sweetie. "Her mom hugged her, stroking her back comfortingly.

"Don't sweetie me."She pushed her away. "How am I gonna live now? Tell me how. Show me how. This is all your fault!"

Bitter, bitter tears.

"Don't shout at your mother. It's not anyone's fault and you know it! "Her dad interjected.

Someone else burst through the door. It was her one year older brother.

"Why didn't anybody tell me?! "He shouted.

"Shut up! "Their dad shouted back.

"Why didn't anybody warn me my sister was actually a she-male? Do you know how everybody is gonna view me now? My life is ruined, and it's all your fault! Everybody is going to know am the freak's brother, and nothing is much worse than that! "

Nothing would ever hurt like that.

She couldn't take it,not anymore.

So she ran up to her room.

It was time to end this torture.

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