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Edited (kinda)



Taehyung was sleeping peacefully with two strong arms wrapped around his waist and someone breathing on he back of his neck. He felt so warm he didn't want to wake up but the sun said otherwise and shone in his eyes which made him bolt up trying to get the sun out of his eyes.

He felt the pair of arms wrap tighter around his waist and he looked down to see a sleepy Jungkook with farrowed eyebrows and a little pout. Taehyung thought he looked so cute!

He chuckled and moved the strains out of Jungkooks face playing with his hair. Then someone caught his wrist which shocked him but then saw it was Jungkook. He blushed and tried to get up but Jungkook held him down. He switch positions and jungkook was hovering above him and Taehyung was bellow him shocked at Jungkooks action.

'here is you chance jungkook make a move!' jungkook tried ushen himself on but he still cowarded out. he feel flat on taehyung and nuzzled his nose into taehyungs neck inhaling his scent. Taehyung was frozen in complete shock and nervousness. He blushed madly and tried hiding his face somehow. He cover his face with his hands

"morning." Jungkook said groogly and raspy

"m-morning." taehyung said he cursed in his mind for sputtering

Jungkook chuckled and looked up at taehyung and hugged his waist with his arms again. Taehyung blushed but did a daring move and hugged him back. And one hand played with Jungkook black locks

"jungkook there is something I was to tell you guys. I have been living here for 1 month now and I trust you guys. I am scared though." taehyung said in a shaky voice jungkook immediately became alert of taehyung nervousness and soften

"of what?" jungkook drew comforting circles around taehyung clothed belly and hip bones.

"that you guys will reject me. You will be disappointed and disgusted in what happened to me. And you would throw me out like everyone else has done too me. And you would hate me and hit me-" taehyung was cut off by a pair of lips on his...

Forhead (😂)

He froze and his eyes widen.

"taehyung...don't ever say that we would never to be honest I don't know why but you have some kind of spell on us because we just can't be hard or even dare to hurt you. Yoongi and I are one of the most heartless people in the whole Mafia society and we can't even bring ourselves to shout at you. You may not believe we are heartless because we are always nice to you but trust me we ARE listed on the back list around everywhere in mafia groups and the top most heartless people."(A/N: please don't hate me for this but this isn't true I think that jungkook is not heartless at all and even yoongi I actually really like those two that goes for all bts member this is just apart of the story line and I am not saying that they are heartless because they are the total opposite please don't hate me.)

Taehyung was shocked. He couldn't believe his ears has he really found people who are capable of loving him. Has he really found a family that will be here for him. Is it possible for people to actually love him?

He felt tears threatening to run down his cheeks and he didn't realize that they already ran down his cheeks until jungkook showed a worried expression and wiped his tears saying sorry over and over again. To be honest he didn't know why jungkook was saying sorry he shook and head and filled jungkooks face and leaning his forehead and jungkook resting there. Jungkooks eyes were wide and shocked but he soon saw the beautiful smile playing taehyubg lips and he felt happy. He felt relieved that he never made taehyung cry

He so badly wanted to kiss his lips. He so badly wanted to do it but he didn't want to scare taehyung. He couldn't resist he leaned in planting a small peck on taehyungs lips and expected taehyung to slap him and cry and run away or some cliche shit but nope he was surprised taehyung pulled jungkook by his shirt making his body jolt forward into taehyungs body and smashing their lips together. Jungkook was surprised but a second into the kiss he replied back

Their lips moved in complete sync and love and passion for one another tastefull lips they craved for eachother lips wanting to have more of it and they both noticed their hunger for eachother and jungkook swiped his tongue over taehyungs bottom lip asking for entrance. Taehyung blushed and parted his lips allowing jungkook tongue free travel in taehyungs mouth

Their tongues toyed together and jungkook won dominance over taehyung and left no part of taehyungs mouth untouched. They opened for air parting slightly allowing hot breath to spread into the atmosphere but their tongues refused to let go of eachother. The corrected their lips again and taehyung let out a small moan and tugged on jungkooks shirt.

Jungkook pulled away and they were panting heavily with a string of saliva connecting them taehyungs shirt was hanging from his shoulder exposing his shoulder and his collarbone. Jungkook looked at his state and he swear he would of taken taehyubg right there and then but held back. Taehyubg was panting heavily on his back his brow hair sticking to his forehead and his face flushed a light pink and his lips were swollen and red. And collarbone was exposed and he was sweating.

Jungkook smiled and taehyung also smiled. Then it became a little awkward they didn't know what to say or who should speak first they were so lost in the lovely make out session they don't know how eachother was gonna react from. They were left with a question 'dose he love me back?' jungkook sighed turning towards taehyung.

"taehyung um... So we're just had a make out session and i wanted to tell you that I love you and um that I hope you don't hate me after this and nothing stops us from being friends I am so-" jungkook couldn't finish his sentence because taehyung interrupted him by smacking him on his lips with his (😂 did I trick you) jungkook smiled and kissed back.

He paired taehyung into his back and taehyung pulled apart they giggled at each other and hugged eachother embracing eachother and smiling. Taehyung was so happy he cried silently in jungkook chest. He was so scared was it just a dream or was it true?

"tae wake up."

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