part 21

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"I will tomorow tell to Marcus i am in love with him if you will tell same to Milla because i know you like echoder" i say. "If you will wear colorful clothes and be yourself" he say. "What you mean with be yourself" "be like you are right now be old you stop smoke and don't hurt oders i know you can do it" he say. "Okay" i say and hug him again. "I promise you he will not hurt you" he say. Later i go home and i go in my room to my wardrobe. I put out every black clothes i have and i look what i will wear tomorow but i don't know. Then i look at picture with mom, dad and me. "I will be strong and i will not hide my feelings anymore" i say. Then i call Martinus. "Hey so i don't know what to wear i just didn't wear any colorful clothes so long" i say. "I will come in some minutes" he say. "thanks" i say. After fev minutes he come and help me to choice what to wear. "He will fall for you even more when he saw you tomorow" he say. "Milla is happy to have you by her best friend" i say. "but now maybe we will be together so i am your best friend now" he say and laugh. "You are first one i tell all of this what i say to you. I never cry but you open my heart Martinus. Thank you" i say and hug him. He hug me back and say. "But you just need to trust people" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
What Marcus will say when he will see old Amalie 😮

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