part 10

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"You don't need to hide" he say. I turn around and say. "How you know that i hide" "because i see" he say. "But why you have that much cuts" he add. "Its not like i need to tell you" i say. "Okay" "but please don't tell that to anyone not even to Marcus" i say. "Okay" he say. He go again to Emma. After some minutes he go out. "Whats your name" she ask. "Amalie" i say. Otherwise I would not say my name but she is just kid. "My brother like you" she say. "What Martinus?? No he don't" i say. "No he i mean on Marcus" she say. Wait what. "How you know that" "he speak about you a lot when he come to visit me earlier before you come" she say. "Oh okay but... What he say about me" i say. "He say that you look powerful and beautiful" she say. He think that i am powerful? I don't think so. "Okay" i say. Later i can go out of hospital but Victoria is on work so i walk home alone. But then i heard someone yell my name. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
What you think who is it ?

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