First Kiss .

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Emily .

I feel like I'm talking a mile a minute trying to take back what I just said. I don't want to take it back, I meant it. I want Harry to be my first kiss, Hell I want him to be my last kiss too.

My words get cut off when I see Harry inching forward. I think he is just going to tug on my curl like usual, but no. He's pushing it behind my ear. He's leaning in to me. His lips are ever so gently smashing into mine. I'm kissing Harry. I'm kissing my best friend.

 I'm kissing my best friend.

Harry's warm mouth is moving gently against mine. His lips are softer than I imagined, and his tongue taste like vanilla, and my body feels like it's singing a song I never want to end. I just want to keep hitting the replay button over and over again as my hands get lost in Harry's fluffy curls, and his warm hands have found my hips and are lifting the bulky fabric of my sweatshirt up. I can feel his rings cold against my skin and his fingers lightly squeezing my sides. I pull gently at his hair and I feel him grin against my lips for a second before he pulls away.

I almost start to go in for more when Harry tugs on a curl, and gets up rather quickly acting as if nothing happened. I sit confused on my bed, touching my mouth trying not to forget any second of our kiss.

Harry comes back from the bathroom shuffling over to the movie shelf. He pulls out Scream. Our favorite cheesy horror flick. "Want to watch this tonight? Since you will be out on a hot date tomorrow?" I nod, wondering what the hell just happened. Harry pops the movie in,  and plops next to me on my bed. Neither of us have said a word. I can't concentrate on anything other than his mouth at the moment. Is that what kissing is like with everyone? Will it be like that with Liam?

Harry pulls me away from those thoughts when he finally speaks "Em, You have nothing to worry about." 

I have nothing to worry about.

Does that mean it was a good kiss? I know I thought it was. Harry has so much experience. He's just saying that because I'm his best friend. He didn't even want to talk to me after it happened. He just ran off to the bathroom. How is that supposed to make me feel? Ugh. Now I have to try and watch a movie and try not to think of the way his lips felt against mine.

Harry .

The movie is over now. The end credits are rolling. I don't think I watched but two minutes of the movie. I tried to make it seem like I was following along by laughing when Em laughed or jumping when I saw Em out of the corner of my eye jumping, but the only thing on my mind is the way Em's small hands tugged at the curls on the nape of my neck. The way her tongue rolled over mine softly. The way my hands felt against her soft skin. How when I pulled back from the kiss her pale cheeks had went a bright shade of red and her lips were swollen from kissing her far longer than I should have. The way I didn't want to stop. I had wanted this for so long. It was better than anything I had ever imagined. Em was perfect. Em is perfect. I had to stop. I knew that if it went on any longer I was going to take it to far.

I'm about to ask if she wants to watch the second movie in the trilogy when she falls into my lap and lets out a snore. Great. Em is asleep. In my lap. 


It's been three hours and I'm still awake. We have to be up in an hour for school. Em is still snoring in my lap. She hasn't even moved and honestly I don't want her too. How could she sleep after that kiss. Was it not good? Am I no good? Bloody hell. What if I'm a bad kisser. Liam is probably better. That wanker, Ugh. I almost forgot she is going out with him tonight. Maybe he will lose interest. Who am I kidding? You don't lose interest in a girl like Em. I lightly brush the hanging curls from her face tucking them behind her ear and sigh knowing I'm not the one who gets to do that or be that for her. Em wants Liam.

 Not me.



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