Hug .

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Harry .

I feel like my heart is going to beat out of my chest as I wait for an answer from Em when she removes the tie from her hair, and finally answers me. "I don't really know. I guess maybe if he asked me on a date, I would say yes. He probably isn't into me like that though, so it doesn't really matter." She mumbles the last part, and sadness shows in her blue eyes. Anyone who isn't into Em would be a crazy person.

"Hey Em." I tug on a curl of hers, and continue. "He would be crazy not to like you. Okay." I say, trying to push away the jealousy flowing through my veins, and make sure she knows that she is perfect just as she is. 

"You think that? And you don't think it will be awkward or anything?" She asks, looking up at me sweetly. I never thought it would be awkward. I just want the best for Em. I'm selfish I know, but I've never wanted to see her with anyone, but me. Liam is nice enough, but he goes through girls quicker than me. Where as my dating life goes to shit when the girls tell me I spend too much time with Em, or they talk about her in a way that I won't allow to the point where I have to call it off, Liam dates the girls, does what he wants with them, and it's over. "I think you should go for it Em." I manage to spit out, as my heart sinks. 

"Okay." Em nods. I can't tell what she's thinking as she bites at her lavender painted nails. "It's funny the only boys I've ever heard you talk about are either fictional, or in a boy band." I tease, trying to take my mind off Liam and Em. "Oh shut up!" She giggles, poking my dimple.


On the walk back to Em's house she stops in the middle of the sidewalk, looking from her floral docs to me, nervously. "Harry?" 

"Yeah Em?" I step close to her, and tug on a frizzy curl of hers. "Thank you." She stops, and then continues. "I mean for always being here for me, and just for being my friend." Did she ever think for a second I would leave her? 

I couldn't.

"I'll always be here Em. I'm not going anywhere. You're my best friend. Forever okay?" I say to the girl i've been in love with since the day I met her, sad that I can almost feel everything starting to shift. I really don't want her dating Liam, or anyone else for that matter. 

Em smiles, throwing her small arms around my neck. Her fingers tease the curls on my head as she whispers in my ear. "Okay, Forever Harry." And just like that I never want to let go of her.

But I do. 

We walk the rest of the way to her house in comfortable silence, and Em's face lights up when she notices her mum's car parked in the driveway. Her mum has been away for her Canada book tour. Em told me her mum never had an interest in writing until the day they moved to England. It's actually pretty cool. She has over fifteen number one best selling books all over the world, Even I have read a few. I won't tell Em that though. 

"She's back! Okay Harry! I love you, but my mom's back! Bye!" Em squeals as she speaks, already running to her front door. I laugh happily, knowing how much she's been missing her mum, and then I make my way towards Liam's house, hoping to have a conversation with him.


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