Vanilla Cupcakes .

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Emily .

I force my mind to forget about the hug Harry and I shared minutes ago as I run towards my front door. The way it felt to have his arms wrapped around my waist. The feeling of my fingers tangled in his chocolate curls. 

When I open the front door my mouth begins to water at the scent lingering from the kitchen. Every time my mom gets back from her book tours she makes us a gourmet meal, by gourmet I mean usually tacos, or spaghetti, and we talk about everything. Mostly Her travels, and Harry. I really love my mom, and I'm happy she gets to live out her dream. She has given me everything i've ever needed. I just wish sometimes we could have dinners like these every night.

I walk into the kitchen, and mom turns before running over to me. "Emilyyyy!!! I've missed you so much darling! Oh have you gotten prettier? You look absolutely wonderful!." She tugs me into her arms and I fall into them, inhaling the perfume she's worn since I can remember. Chanel.

"Mom, you say that every time! It's only been two weeks." I giggle as she holds on to me with her arms.


I'm setting the table and watching my mom cook her signature tacos with the biggest smile on her face. "How was the tour mom? Did you have the best maple syrup ever?" I ask, knowing mom was in Canada for her latest book signing. She continues to stir the beef on the stove top as she talks. " Oh Emily! Canada was wonderful! They have stranger accents then the people here. Not in a bad way." She giggles to herself "Oh and yes the maple syrup is breathtaking. I brought home five bottles. You can try some in the morning or after dinner! I will make waffles!" I laugh, Mom loves to use the waffle maker when she's home. I'm so glad she is home for at least a couple of days, and that she brought maple syrup.

Mom grabs the lettuce and shredded cheese out of the refrigerator and sets it on the dining room table. "Tacos are all done Emily! Let's eat!"


Forty five minutes later, and mom and I are stuffed. I'm exhausted from the bakery today, and everything that happened with Harry and Liam. I honestly have no idea what I'm going to do, but I push that thought back for a second to say goodnight to my mom.

"Well mom, I'm glad your home, but my bed is calling. Love you." I kiss her cheek and hear her say "love you back!" As I trounce of too my room.

I slide of my floral docs off, rub my feet across the fluffy carpet, and then I take off my favorite pink jumper and throw on my fluffy Easter egg blue sleep shorts and an Oxford sweatshirt Harry bought me last year as a gag gift, and then at last finally I sink into my cozy duvet cover. As I lay there, I can't stop myself from thinking of everything that happened earlier. I never thought Liam would come to the bakery. I can't tell if Harry is okay with all of this. I don't even know if there is a "this". Harry didn't say much about it, but I could tell he was thinking about something. I wish I knew what he was thinking.

Then there was the hug, that hug was different. It was long and we really held on to each other. Harry's hair smelled like Vanilla cupcakes. I didn't realize in the moment that I was whispering in his ear until he shivered a little and his breathing had picked up. I hope I didn't freak him out by doing that. Holding Harry like that was different from anything I've ever felt. Harry and I hug all the time. But, it's usually quick. This hug was so many things. It was like really exciting news, it was the thrill of going on a roller coaster, it was electric, it was right. 

It was everything.

I really need to forget about these feeling I keep for Harry. If Liam asks me on a date, I will say yes. Harry and I are just friends. That is all.

I repeat this over and over until I fall asleep dreaming of dimples and vanilla cupcakes.


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