Chapter One

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Bucky sat, confused. He looked over at Steve, who was bleeding, unconscious. His helmet fell into the river next to him, and his shield was nowhere to be found. Bucky's long, brown hair covered his ocean, blue eyes. His metal arm was dented from the fall, and the blood trailed down his face, onto the hard floor. Bucky struggled to get up, as he walked towards the wounded soldier. He hoisted Steve upon his shoulders and started walking. Steve had recently just saved him from falling out of an airplane, and took the fall instead. Bucky, for some reason, dove down as well, and rescued the soldier from drowning into the river.

Bucky looked around for a place to settle Steve. Barnes didn't know why he was doing this, he wasn't aware of his relationship with the blonde.

Bucky set down Steve in the shade, and looked around, until his eyes landed on the star planted on Steve's suit. Barnes looked closer, and saw the red dot. The suit had a chip planted in it, and when pressed, SHIELD would know his location. Bucky pressed the button, and ran as far as possible from the soldier.

The Winter Soldier, as some called him, sat down on the floor, covered with shade from the tall trees. He sat, thinking of how Steve saved his life... but why? Why would Steve save his enemy? Questions swarmed his mind, as he lay down on the bumpy, rocky ground. Flys flew all over, annoying Bucky.

Steve wouldn't have done this, if he didn't have a close relation with Bucky, would he? Barnes looked back, to see if he did have a past with the soldier. No luck. Barnes didn't remember any of his past, he barely remembered his name. Bucky lay his head back down, staring up at the tall trees. He gently closed his eyes, falling asleep to the sound of the wind whistling.


"Target found," Natasha said, as she landed the quinjet carefully down. Natasha ran towards the blonde, who was wounded underneath a tree. "Rogers is wounded.. call in for help," Natasha called again, through her earpiece. Just then, doctors came in through the jet, to Steve's aid. They treated his wounds, as Natasha watched. The doctor walked up towards the river, her hands forming the shape of a cup, as she picked up some water, and sprinkled it on the soldier's face. Steve woke up, startled.

"B..Buck? Where is he?" Steve asked, looking around the vast forest.

"We'll find him, Rogers," Natasha assured, as she helped Steve into the jet, and the two flew off, heading towardsc SHIELD headquarters.

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