Chapter 11

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With a shaky hand, I slid the Key into the lock.  I pushed the door open, A soft creak etching its way through the sound of raindrops. I pushed the door open the rest of the way, Flicking the lights on to reveal my dorm. Everything was Neat, Meticulously put away to conserve space. 

"Oh, Wow." Lilith said, Shock snaking through her voice. 

"What?" I spat out in response, Wiping at the drainage from my nose. " You expected a mess? Huh? You teach me to clean for months and expect me to live like a rat?"

She stepped back, Glancing down at the floor. " You don't have to be so hateful. I want to-"

I raised my hand, Stopping her mid-Sentence. "Do not. Say. You want. To fix it." I lowered my hand, Looking into her eyes, staring back at the hurt that I alone had felt for so long. "You know what I've realized? I've realized that no matter how much It hurt the only person who is going to consistently be there for me; is Me. I'm the only person I can truly depend on. Every morning I woke up, Hoping for a phone call, A text, Even a measly Like on a Facebook post, The only one I could count on being there, Was me. It may hurt, And it did. A lot. It killed me inside. But I realized I don't NEED you. Not anymore. I'm going to find someone That respects me, Someone that truly cares for me. Someone I'm with because I want to be, Not because I feel I need to be. " I took a deep breath, Standing my ground has I felt a small twinge of fear roll down my spine. What will she do me? What will she do in general. 

I watched a tear Slalom down her cheek, Her head nodding slowly. "This is definitely not what I expected. But, You're right. you DO deserve so much better. I hurt you. In more ways than one. And I can't expect forgiveness. I will not ask for it, But instead I will say Thank you. For being honest with me; And for listening to what I have to say."

She took a step back, Heading towards the door. "Thank you, Jack. For everything. You really are amazing. I hope you find everything you're looking for and more. Don't let anyone tell you you deserve less. You deserve the world. Goodbye."

As Those final words parted from her lips, She walked out of my dorm, Gently closing the door behind. and With that, I was free. Free of A pain and misery I had tormented myself with for so long. Free from an almost ceaseless Agony I thought I'd never be rid of. 

I walked to the mirror, A smile creeping itself slowly onto my lips, stretching my cheeks. Beautiful. I never thought I would see myself smile again. 

 "This, This is your life; Jack. This is our life. And we can do with it, Whatever we want to do with it."


                                                                                  Authors note

This story was the first I ever wrote on this page. Almost four years ago. I want to thank everyone who has been a fan and everyone who will become  a fan. I appreciate you and love you all! 

This is one story that will stay as it. It is kind of a.. Playing ground for me. It gives me a chance to see my writing style, and my inner development change. Hopefully you all will notice a progression in the writing, compared to my older work. Stay strong, Kinksters! New updates will either be Weekly, and twice weekly. 

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