Quick Note

5.9K 165 6

Hey, guys!

Before I say anything else, don't worry - 21st chapter will be up as soon as I finish it.

With that out of the way, this note isn't that important to the story or the making of this story, but I'm kind of freaking out right now because I just looked and this story is ranked #66 in the "South Park" tag. #66 out of 2k published South Park fics on this site! That's insane to me!

I checked the rank for the first time a couple days ago and it said #273, which I was very pumped about, and then I checked again today and it's gone up immensely. I have no idea how this happened, but thank you guys so much. That being said though, numbers aren't very important to me. I'm not continuing the story solely for the purpose of getting reads and votes and stuff. I could be ranked #2,000 and I'd still be excited about writing and continuing to publish chapters. As long as I know that people are reading and enjoying it, that's motivation enough for me to keep writing.

I know when writers ask their readers for votes and comments, it seems kind of disingenuous, but it shows me that people are enjoying what I write and that means a lot. So thank you again.

I've also been noticing that sometimes when I publish chapters, the spacing kind of comes out weird (which I'm not really sure why because I always preview it before publishing). So I'm not sure if that's just my computer or what, but I might go back and edit some chapters to fix that. So if you get a shit ton of notifications saying that a previous chapter was re-published, that's why, but none of the content will change.

Anyway, I'll wrap this note up with another thank you. Have a good day!

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