2. Urge

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"I swear to God, if I have to sit through one more intervention from Ellerby, I'm going to actually kill myself!" Clyde exclaimed, exasperatedly slamming his hand down on the cafeteria table.

"If you're thinking about killing yourself, then clearly his interventions aren't working in the first place," Craig riposted with a smirk, sliding his tray of food away from him.

Token chuckled lightly. "He's got a point, Clyde."

"Guys, seriously. Ellerby is the worst," Clyde groaned. "He's more boring than Mr. Mackey was as a counselor. I don't know why the hell I have to keep going to see him. I don't know who keeps snitching on me, but they better stop."

"Maybe it's for the best," Token suggested.

"Do you even hear yourself? I'm fine!"

Say that to the bruises all over your body, Craig thought darkly, fighting the urge from saying his thoughts aloud. Fuck, if the counselor knew what was really going on with you, you'd be getting more than interventions.

Clyde seemed to know what Craig was thinking because he shot him a quick glare before continuing on with his rant about having to see the high school counselor. "I think the snitch knows that I hate seeing him because why else would they keep anonymously telling him that I need help? And what would I need help with? I think this person is trying to fuck with me."

"Do you really think someone would go through all of that trouble just to fuck with you?" Token asked, doubt evident in his voice.

"Why, Token? Are you the one narking on me?" Clyde accused.

"Like Token would actually do that," Craig muttered under his breath, boredly fidgeting with the lighter he kept in his pocket.

"You're right, but you know who would?" Clyde suddenly lit up like he had just had an epiphany. "Fucking Bebe!"

Token groaned, facepalming and shaking his head in annoyance. "Not this again."

"But she totally would because she's out to ruin my life. I mean, why else would she cheat on me if she didn't want to fuck me over?"

And as if on cue, Craig felt a light tap on his shoulder and as he lazily turned around, the ex herself was standing behind him.

"What?" he asked in a mono, uninterested tone.

"Can I talk to you?" It sounded more like a statement than an actual request, but Craig begrudgingly obeyed and she pulled him out of the cafeteria and into the deserted hallway.

Before Craig could ask what she wanted, she had already said, "Why did you tell Clyde you were with me last night?"

Craig's eyebrows knit together in confusion. "Why does that matter?"

"Because he's mad at me," Bebe replied, crossing her arms in defense.

"So? It's not like you two are still together. I didn't even think you're on speaking terms anymore."

She sighed and pleaded, "Look, Craig, I know you don't care about anyone but yourself, but can you please just leave me alone for once? Things are hard enough for me right now. I don't need you making up bullshit stories and giving Clyde more of a reason to hate me."

"Do you think I purposely try to make your life a living hell?" he snapped. "You do that all by yourself."

"Oh, please," Bebe scoffed, "I know you get off on people's problems, you sick little shit, but you better stop trying to fuck me over."

"Like I said before," he drawled. "You do that all by yourself. You didn't have to lie to Clyde about cheating on him so that he'd break up with you, but you did because you can't handle the fact the you're - "

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