15. Friend

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"GAH!" screamed Tweek for the sixth time that afternoon, his entire body jolting out of surprise and the PS4 controller flying out of his hands. Still wearing Craig's hat, he pulled it over his eyes and hugged his knees to his chest, while shrieking, "THIS IS WAY TOO MUCH PRESSURE!"

"Tweek, it's really not that hard," Craig told him, eyes glued to his TV screen. "You just have to not get shot."


Craig snickered and paused the game, setting the controller down in front of him. He glanced over at Tweek and shook his head in amusement as he noticed the blue hat covering his eyes. He reached out and pushed the hat back into place, while mumbling, "God, you're such a spaz."

"I th-thought video g-games were supposed to be f-fun," Tweek sighed, leaning his back against Craig's bed. "I did-didn't think th-they'd be s-so stressful."

"They're only stressful because you suck at them," he joked.

"F-Fair enough."

Craig smirked and then reached into his pocket, only to find that his phone wasn't there. He scanned the floor that he was sitting on, but his phone was nowhere in sight. Confused, he asked, "Dude, do you see my phone anywhere?"

Tweek stood up and in seconds, he picked it up off the bed. "Y-Yeah, i-it's right h-here."

"Can you check the time on it?" he requested, wondering how long they'd have before his parents got off work.

Tweek switched on Craig's phone and his eyes widened in surprise. "Uh, Cr-Craig, you h-have a l-lot of missed c-c-calls."

"From who?" he asked with disinterest.

"Um, a f-few from Cl-Clyde and then..." he paused, eyebrows knitting together. "Who's Slut?"

Craig sighed exasperatedly. "Goddamnit."

"Wh-Who i-is it?" Tweek repeated, tilting his head slightly and handing him the phone.

Craig ignored his question, not really wanting to bring up Kenny and especially not wanting to talk about why Kenny was obsessively trying to get ahold of him. He scrolled through his notifications and realized that he had gotten texts from Clyde on pretty much every form of social media and a couple missed calls from Kenny. He also noted that it was about twenty minutes after school ended, meaning that they had successfully skipped an entire day of school.

"Cr-Craig?" Tweek's shaky voice snapped Craig back to reality and he looked up at him.

"Yeah?" he muttered.

"Is ev-everything okay?" The concern in his voice didn't go unnoticed, but Craig tried to ignore it because it brought back the twinge of that unidentifiable feeling in his chest.

"Uh, yeah." Liar. "It's nothing. I just don't really want to talk to them right now."

"Oh, ok-kay." He didn't sound convinced, but Craig appreciated him not pushing any farther.

Craig cleared his throat. "Anyways, do you want to keep playing?"

"N-No w-way, man," Tweek replied, sounding out of breath while shaking his head slowly. "Th-That game is way t-too much pressure."

Craig rolled his eyes, smirking as he did so. "Don't be such a pussy."

"I'm n-not a pussy!" Tweek protested, crossing his arms.

His smirk grew wider and his eyebrows raised with the taunt, "Prove it."

Tweek was quiet for a moment, before letting out a groan. "Ugh, f-fine. H-Hand me the controller."

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