Aina and Norway

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Hey there, I'm Aina Shinimi! You can call me Ai. . .

You see, I can pretty much relate to Shii's story. . .

Why do people exist in the first place?

Since I always think I'm a fake and a slip-through.

I'm an accident.

But I'm obviously fine with it!

I'm happy I'm born. I'm happy to meet wonderful people that helped me get my feet back up. I love them like they were my own family, but they are as annoying as fuck! Sometimes I wish I'd just fucking backstab them and do whatever it is I feel~

Oh anyway~ I may be an accident but I also wonder if I'm born for a reason, if I wasn't born, then someone has to be. You can't control whatever past that had happened but you choose to make your own future! You choose what you choose to be! I always hate people telling you whatever they want! But anyway, they needed respect so yeah whatever!

I'm an otaku and I am in love with Norway in Hetalia! I've been daydreaming of meeting him in all my life! You see, the only thing that can make me happy is food and anime!

But I guess my wish became true! I've finally met him!

Norway. . .

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