(30) Stay Omega Stay

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Chapter 30.

Execution day. That's what it was being called by from what I could hear from outside. People were scurrying around, my guard outside telling people to leave whenever they would shout a nasty remark at me. I was going to have a death sentence, and people were reveling in it. There was no backing out of this, and there was no saving me now. Lucian had clearly failed in his attempts to save me. In only an hour, I would be executed.

After our fight, Lucian had left out of anger. He seemed to be deep in thought, but that didn't matter anymore. What I had told him had clearly upset him, but it was the only way to get him to hopefully move on. I would rather have him hate me and move on then love me and be miserable for the rest of his life. He didn't deserve either, but it was in his best interest to have him miserable My poor Lucian was going to have to live a life without me.

It hasn't been all that long since I've known him, so hopefully, things will change. I fully understand losing a mate is not easy, but I can't just leave this world and give him nothing. He needs a reason to live, and for many who have a mate, they are the only reason to live. If London can find a reason and way to live then Lucian can too. He has an entire future ahead of him, and that's enough for him to be alive. There are many women who are in a similar situation after the war, and they could seek comfort from him.

The door had suddenly opened and I looked up from the floor. The guard was looking at me, an expressionless look on his face. He seemed as if he didn't care, and that made me shift uncomfortably. He ordered me to stand up and I did. I looked around the room one last time as he gestured for me to approach him.

"It's time."

I nodded in understanding as the guard took my wrists and bound them with cuffs. I felt numb as if my entire body had already died. I could hardly feel my feet moving as I exited my prison room. A bright light blinded me for a split second, and I immediately realized that I hadn't seen the sun all day. It reminded me of my time in Ayana's prison, that horrible place I had grown up with. If it wasn't for Lilura, I feel like my head would be a lot more messed up. I would be considered feral, someone who would be put to death just because they wouldn't function as any living being. I would be a person trapped in her own mind. I'm assuming that was what Ayana's intent was.

When my eyesight finally cleared up I looked over and could see a riot forming around the halls. Several pack members were holding back the ones who looked like they would attack. My guard was guiding me out, ignoring the fact that people were against the walls. Profanity was screamed at me, and people were spitting on me. I couldn't reach my hand to wipe it away, so I only flinched as I felt another ball of saliva land on my cheek.

We made it out of the building and outside where more people were screaming and chanting. I looked around the area, trying to find someone I recognized but failed to. I let out a disappointed huff of air, wondering if Lucian would be present or not. I could only guess how many people I knew would be there.

"Don't be afraid." I looked over to see Clayton, my dead brother walking beside me. His eyebrows were creased together, and a wrinkle was forming near his forehead. Somehow, he looked older, but I knew I was only imagining.

"There's nothing I can do." I sighed, watching as my guard turned around in confusion but ignored me. "I will be killed in only a matter of time."

"No, you won't." He chuckled, shaking his head at me. "The Moon Goddess knows when you'll die and it's not your time yet."

"Don't even try to make me feel any better." A tear fell from my eye, and I wiped it away as the people in the crowd began to mock me. "The Moon Goddess can't save me."

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