(27) Stay Omega Stay

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Chapter 27.

It's amazing to watch witness the innocence infants have. They know nothing wrong in this world, they know nothing about what's going on around them. A child doesn't know where they're from, or the different people around the world. All they know is they are being held, and they are being loved. The first emotion a newborn is introduced to is love. The first one, generally speaking, is the love from a mother.

Felix doesn't know how much he is loved, just like me when I was growing up. He doesn't know how much his mother loves him, how much his father, aunts, and uncles love him. He doesn't know that the entire pack loves him already and he was only recently born. Even before he was born he was loved more than a lot of people get to witness. There is no knowing until he witnesses the love first hand when he gets to remember. I hope he gets to be alive to be with all the people who love him.

"Everything is going to be okay." I kissed the infant on the head. "I promise, you'll be okay."

Tears welled in my eyes as I looked at London as I held the last person she has of her mate, my brother. The look in her own eyes is something I will never forget. She was so scared, so scared of being alone. She didn't want to be alone, with no true family to have. She doesn't have anyone else, at least not that I know of.

But, if I don't do this, if I don't save my brothers child then I have no one. Yes, Lucian will always love me and be there for me, but he has a pack to run. What would happen if we had a child of our own, how would he or she grow up? I can't be present as a Luna with the entire pack being fully aware that I killed an Alpha and got away with it. I can't let my mate be linked to me if all I'm seen is as the crazy Luna who killed her Alpha brother.

I lifted my head after kissing Felix and closed my eyes. I tried to focus on what was wrong with him and began any form of magic that would heal him. I didn't know anything of the sort, but I had to try. Lilura had only taught me to use my magic to fight, and defend my family. For this, I had no clue and that frustrated me more than anything. I didn't know how exactly to heal him, but I knew somewhere deep inside of me I could.

I felt someone touch my shoulder and I turned around to see Clayton holding it tightly. He gave me the smallest closed smile as if encouraging me and convincing me I would do this. He looked down at the ground before looking at my left shoulder. I swung my head around, and to my surprise, I saw Logan, my uncle reaching to hold my other shoulder. He gave me the smallest smile, yet said nothing.

Logan turned to his left shoulder and I noticed Savannah holding his. She looked at me, her green eyes shining like emeralds in the sun. She was smiling at me, her grip on her mates shoulder tightening. She looked over at Clayton, and I turned my head back over to see my grandparents. Fia and Sal both had one hand on both of Clayton's shoulders. They were looking at me with a small smile, and my tears welled up even more.

Everyone who was with me had died fighting for their family, most of them fighting for me. While singularly Logan was the only one fighting for my mother Celia, everyone else was fighting for me. I had killed each and every one of them, yet here they were supporting me as I tried to save my brother's heir. Even when I should be the most hated member of the family, they're here for me and my nephew. No matter what, protecting the family always comes first.

"You've got this Penny." Nysa, the Moon Goddess appeared in front of me. Her eyes trained on the infant in front of me. "It's not his time yet, I feel that it isn't. However, there are forces trying to prevent his destiny."

It was here where I noticed the people I had first started seeing when I escaped my prison and had arrived home. The demon looking people with black eyes and expressionless faces. They were everywhere in the room. There were staring at me, but I soon realized it wasn't me they were staring at, it was Felix. The demon I had seen before, the evil I had felt almost instantly coming here was killing Felix. They were the cause of our families destruction, they were responsible for all these deaths.

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