(8) Stay Omega Stay

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Chapter 8.

Everything went dead silent after Warner's confession. Everyone in the room looked between Warner and Oliver, obviously trying to notice their physical similarities. They were both basically the same, and it was difficult to notice anything very different about each other. Perhaps Oliver was a little tanner than his father, but that was from spending countless days in the sun.

Oliver looked as if he had been hit by a bus, his face twisted in pain. I remember him telling me how determined he was to find his father, and now he has. I can relate to what he's feeling; pain, frustration...fear. It's all there hidden beneath his foggy grey eyes. It looked like tears were on the brink of spilling over, and I couldn't blame him. Only a mere four feet away, sits the father he has pleaded for his entire life.

"I need some air." He whispered, turning away from his father and standing up.

I jumped up out of instinct, but one glare from him shocked me to sit back down. Oliver has never looked so broken and terrified in all the weeks that I have known him. Not only this, but he has never looked so frustrated either. He looks almost unrecognizable to the maximum.

He left in a blink of an eye, the door slamming shut. Lilura didn't hesitate, obviously wanting to comfort he mate after this. I don't blame her, Lucian had tried to lessen the hurt hue I had over my head for a few days. However, it was more of the guilt of nearly killing my brother than meeting my parents for the first time.

But this was a lot different than my own experience. Oliver knew his mother, and had grown up without a father figure in his life. I may have grown up without parents, but I had Lilura to guide me through the infinite hours of being trapped to near insanity. Oliver had Kory, but he was more of a brother than someone who would teach him right from wrong. This was difficult, and the only way for this to mend was for Warner to speak with his long lost son.

"That was unexpected." My dad breathed, leaning back in his chair. "Any more surprises?"

Lucian and I exchanged a look along with the rest of the people I have grown close with before coming home. My mom raised an eyebrow, obviously wondering what I was going to say. Heat rose to my cheeks as a realized I was going to have to tell them my entire story, and what I am to the werewolf world.

"You're not pregnant are you?" My dad groaned, which made me raise an eyebrow at him. Mom gasped, slapping him on the chest in annoyance.

"She's only marked, let her be." She hissed before turning kindly to look at me. "What did you want to say?"

"I don't really know how to explain this nor tell you in detail, so I'll just blurt it out." Filling my lungs with air, I let out a deep huff as I let my words spill from my mouth. "I'm the next Moon Goddess."

It was as if this entire dinner was rehearsed to perfection, as every person's jaw in the room either slackened or dropped to the floor. Even London when to look at me in surprise, her brown eyes wide in amazement. My grandparents who were beside my dad looked at one another and then to my parents. It was like they were having a private conversation with each other without speaking.

"That was unexpected." Paige muttered softly, making Sage chuckle at her older sister's use of wording.

"That explains a lot." Warner breathed, running his hands over his eyes and groaning. "I need a nap or something, this day is getting too much for me."

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?" My mom asked, leaning in so her elbows rested on the table in front of her.

"I can't really just meet my parents and tell them I'm the next Moon Goddess they all worship." I explained, snaking my hand towards Lucian's hand and gripping it tightly. He only squeezed back and gave me a reassuring smile.

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