chapter 1 ✔︎

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"what the hell do you want?" i groan

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"what the hell do you want?" i groan.
i was never a morning person, and kike knew this; but today the way i was woken up made me even more salty about getting up at 8.
kiké had to be at the field
at 10 for his game, which meant leaving at 9:30.
my lovely and amazing brother had thrown a banana at my face, and his excuse was "i wouldn't wake up."
"ok get out kiké. i'm pretty pissed right now." he laughs and runs out of the room.
i roll my eyes and get out of bed, rubbing my face and sighing.
i slipped on some black jeans, my own personal dodger's jersey that had my number 29 on it, (i was a softball player at ucla, i'm a junior) and my last name hernandez of course.
i did some pretty casual and light makeup then curled the ends of my hair. i slipped on my blue dodger's hat and blue converse, calling it good.

 i slipped on my blue dodger's hat and blue converse, calling it good

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i jogged down the stairs and said hey to my dad.
when i was 5 years old my mom had died in a car accident, and ever since that i had minor depression.
but, when kiké made it to the majors i promised him that i would be as joyful as i could.
i've been better since then, but not 100%, and that's okay.
i ate an apple for breakfast and that's it. i workout a lot, and don't really eat that much, just because i never have a huge appetite.
"ready to play some ball?" i ask my brother as he walks down the stairs.
he nods his head and digs into his huge breakfast.

"hey y'all. how are my favorite boys doing?" i ask joc, corey, and justin.
they all grin at me. "hey mila. we've missed you girl."
i hug corey, joc, and then justin as they stand in a line.
"i missed you guys too; a lot. softball and school has been pretty crazy lately." i chuckle, looking down at my shoes.
my head immediately snaps.
damn. who is he?
a tall, skinny, black haired boy walks out of another room into the clubhouse.
he had on his baseball pants, his socks, but no shirt.
holy crap. he was one of the best looking guys i've ever seen. better than anyone at ucla.
it looked like he had just been changing.
shake it off mila, you're not gonna like a boy. he's gonna ruin your softball career.
"oh shit, sorry i didn't see there was a girl in he-"
"damn cods, (a/n pronounced codes lol) put on a shirt. my baby sister is in here."
we make eye contact and his eyes go wide. he looks me up and down and bites his lip.
"yeah sorry, i'll go put on a shirt."

little hernandez ➣ cody bellingerWhere stories live. Discover now