More Midnight Missons

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Chapter 6

I woke to my phone ringing again. I swear if Stiles is calling me again I will inflict so much physical pain he will need the werewolf bite to heal. I look at the screen and it's Scott. Derek lets out a groan from next to me. "Go back to sleep." I dictate.

        “Now what?” I answer to Scott.

         “Em! Has Stiles called you?” Scott's voice is cracking and filled with panic.

         I shoot up. “No, why? Scott what's wrong? What happened to Stiles?” Panic is flooding my whole body.

        “He's missing, he's cold and he said he was bleeding.”

         My hand goes to my mouth and my heart starts racing.

        Oh, God. Okay, Derek and I will go look for him.”

Okay I'll let you know what we find.”

“Okay... Scott?”


         “We gotta find him. We can't lose Stiles.”

         “I know, we'll find him.” I hang up with Scott.

        I lightly shake him, he doesn't wake up. I crack my neck. I'm gonna pay for this one later.

        I grab my pillow and start beating Derek with it.


        “I'm up stop hitting me.” He says while blocking it with his hands.

        I stop hitting him and quickly change into a black stripped blue v-neck and black jeans and a leather jacket and short black work boots.

        I pace back and forth while Derek gets dressed slightly panicking.  My hands shake while I hold my clenched fist to my mouth while my necklace is clasped in it.

        I can't lose Stiles he is my best friend. I don't know what I would do without him.

        “Em relax we're gonna find him.” Derek assures.

        He grabs his keys and we walk to his car.

        “I am relaxed. Do you not know what relaxed is? I am completely sane at this moment. I am freaking calm. And you never say that to a women, just FYI.”

         “You don't sound to calm.” He points out.  I give him a death glare.  He grabs my shoulders gently.

        “Em relax.”

        “Fine.” I huff out.

        We get in the car and drive to the hospital. We see cop cars all over the place we go up to the roof and Derek and I search for any signs of Stiles. After a moment when Derek tries to catch a scent I break the silence.

        “Anything?” I question.

        “No, he was here but he's gone.” Scott and Isaac run up a few minutes later.

        “He's not here. Not anymore.” Derek calls.

        “You mean the whole building?” Scott asks.

        “Gone.” Derek replies. I clench my fist at my sides. My stomach clenches into a ball.

         We need to find him right now.

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