Because I Love You

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Chapter 6

 I helped Derek into my truck but that was more like dragging him, he had to help me a little or else it would've drawn way to much attention. I drove to his loft at unsafe speeds. I might have been going 90ish or above in a 35. My truck was not fully used to these speeds, which added to the problem but I had to get him home.  He was in and out of consciousness.

"Derek, talk to me, please." 

"Em..." He choked out, I barely heard him. The knot in my stomach grew. His hand brushed against my thigh, but his eyes stayed closed.

When we got to the loft. I grabbed my back pack that now had a first aid kit in it put in on my shoulder and I moved to grab Derek.

I grabbed him and helped him stand but his eyes were unfocused on me, and he looked like he was going to fall over.

 I half walked half dragged Derek up the to the loft with his arm slung over my shoulder and my arm wrapped around his torso. 

"Derek, talk to me please, keep your eyes open." I whisper.

He didn't say anything to me, he didn't even respond. I kept trying to keep him up just so he could get to his bed.

He was getting so heavy I almost dropped him. Luckily, I got him to land on the bed. His head rolled to the side. I sat on the bed on my knees. I cup his face, his eyes were barely open.

 He was getting worse, I couldn't even hear his breathing. "Derek." I whisper trying to shake him awake. My thumb ran across his cheek. "Derek come on. Please." I plead my voice cracking. He became slightly more aware of his surroundings and could talk I pulled off his shirt and tried to see how bad his wounds really were. My hand grazed along them and they looked painful. He hissed in pain.

Next time I pull his shirt off he better not be slowly dying.

 "How bad?" He pants out his eyes losing their light, he looked like he was gonna die. It was really bad. He was trying hard to keep his eyes open and look at me.

 I bit my lip. "I wish I could lie but it's not good. The blood is black and you look sick. But you'll heal." I squeaked out. I don't know if I said it because I needed to hear it or I wanted him to so he would keep fighting.

 His eyes were starting to close and his breathing was slow and shallow.

"Derek, Derek come on. Please come on, I can't lose you." I pleaded and my eyes watered. He didn't move.  "Derek!" He didn't respond. 

I pulled hair behind my ear and put my ear near Derek's chest to hear his heartbeat. I let out a sigh of relief I heard it, it was faint but still there. That gave me some hope. I kept thinking of anything that I could do to save him, to ease the pain. I can take pain, like he did for me.

I gently grabbed Derek's hand and focused on trying to take his pain. I focused on his pain, and how much I wanted it to be gone. My veins slowly turned black I grimaced my hand started shaking, I hissed from the pain and I knew my eyes turned green and I could slowly feel Derek relaxing. I released my grip on his hand. 

Derek let out a sigh, I had a small smile on my face. He passed out again but I could see his chest moving up in down proving he was breathing and I was half way sure he was gonna live. I ran around the loft trying to get everything I needed to take care of Derek. I yanked open every drawer in the loft until I found what I was looking for.

Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a damn bowl in this place? I finally found one. I filled it with water and found a small wash cloth.

 I pulled open my first aid kit that was in my back pack and dumped it out trying to find the damn needle and thread. Then found a lighter in Derek's jacket pocket I found it, burned the tip of the needle to sterilize it.  I tried to string it but my hands kept shaking. "Damn it." I muttered. "Come on." I re wet it. Then try again, my hands keep shaking and my nerves grow.

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