Who is a yandere for you and what do they do?

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I did this before... whatever at least I'm posting..

Aries: Lost Silver- watches you through technology and learns a lot about you.

Libra: Jeff- the iconic way, kills people for you

Aquarius: Ej- sneaks In your room and watches you sleep

Leo: Slenderman- makes you have urged to go in the woods so he can see you

Sagittarius: Toby: Kidnaps you until you fall in love with him

Scorpio: Lj- doesn't poison you but... Ties you up in a chair and brain washes you, HAVE FUN!!

Capricorn: Sally- invites you to a lot of tea parties, make you pass out, never leaves :)

Cancer: Clockwork- Internet stalked you to know where you are at ALL times.

Gemini: Liu- Constantly talks to you to calm down and marks you(with knife) if you don't respond

Taurus: Jane- acts like she is dating you so you are off limits at all times so she can have you all to herself (you didn't even know)

Pisces: Judge Angels- Is very caring for you but one wrong word can get you tied up.

Virgo: Bloody Painter- Paints you with families blood  WELCOME HOME;)

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