Don't be a horror movie victim

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All of class 1A "exept the obvious" stood outside a hospital door. Giving one another nervous glances. Until the doctor finally came out giving permission for them all to enter.
They all walked in practically pushing each other over in order to see their injured friend.
The nurse opened the door and walked in.

They were face-to-face with an unknown girl. She was sitting up staring at the group, and began sobbing uncontrollably.
" that you?" Ojiro asked in a hushed tone walking close to her.
The girl nodded profusely, 'visibly' holding back tears. The group looked down the 'visible' girl's body all the way down to the large stumped from her knee that was wrapped in multiple bloody bandages.
She flung her arms around the boy. And cried out

Todoroki, Mina, Ojiro, purple bish, Denki, and Sero.
All sat infront of a TV staring, wating for Denki to hook his phone up to it.
"This is MMA news coming to you
with the hottest story.
Recently a young quirkless boy has been kidnapped by several unnamed men in a wight truck."

"The witnes says that the boy was scooped off his feet and pulled into the van before it taking off."

"If you see this boy please contact the authority's.---"

"So that it's huh" Ojiro side with your in his voice. The group looked sadly att him. He stood up is tail was dragging on the floor behind him. The group Silently followed.
Todoroki had told them before that they had to learn a bit about his background before they took action.
Todoroki and Ojiro

Lead the way into the dark room pausing from hearing resulting in the large cage that held the monster that took Hagakura's quirk and leg.
They towered above the sleeping creature, rage fuelling their every move. They opened the cage door and prepared to strike the sleeping beast that was curled up in a ball.
But before they could land the hit, Izuku started sleep crying...
And inbetween sobs he said in his sleep...
"please... I-I didn't mean to-I
I'm sorry...I don't want to...hurt eaybody else"

The group of hero's in training looked down at him. Todoroki sighed and looked at the rest.
They all wore the same expression. Hero's don't seek out revenge, especially on someone who didn't mean to do it . . . right?
"Guys" sero said in a sad voice "We can't do th-RRAAHHHGGGG!!!

The room was sent into panic. Everyone jumped back and gasped of horror...except Sero. He was standing in the middle of the room face-to-face with the creature that was previously curled up sound asleep.


Deku snarled baring his teeth at the fearfull boy and stabbed him in the shoulders with his long sharp claw-like fingers. Sero screamed out in agony, as Izuku sharply tilted
his head at an angle and jerked forward sinking his teeth into his skull. The sound of his teeth sinking and splintering into his skull
And sat there for a moment a, then proceed to rip out the boys
frontal lobe.
The rest of the UA students gasped and screamed in horror as they ran for the door. But not
before a blood and bits of brain were splattered throughout the already blood-stained room.
The surviving teenagers ran out the door and down the Halls screaming at the top of their lungs leaving the door swinging wide open.

M!netas POV
Aka purple bish

I walk out of the men's restroom unfortunately there were no girls in the women's room. I hang my head low, it seems today was a failure for spying. I was about to head to the girls dorm, when I hear a loud scream, followed by others screaming.

So doing the most intelligence and to do I run and hide in a corner. I sit there for about 3 minutes before I hear several frantic people run behind me, I look behind me to see that they are already gone I stand up confused as I look around,
I shrug my shoulders and start walking in the opposite direction of which they ran. All the way down the hallway I felt as if someone was watching me.
I didn't like it not one bit.

At the end of the hallway I see a classroom door wide open, I Quicken my pace over and peer inside not expecting to see what I see.

Splattered throughout the dark room, a large ominous cage in the middle. And right in front of the cage is a person lying on their side covered in the blood. I scan the room for anything else, but it appears to be empty. I take a deep breath and walkover to the body. I strain my eyes to see the person's face and horror and shock flow over me. There were large  teeth marks imprinted in his forehead at an angle. Even with the front part of his head ripped out his elbows gave it away.

It was Sero.
I leap backwards and fall on my butt and scramble away from my dead friend.
"S-zero H-how did this happen to

The sound claws running down the hall right up behind me.

I gulped and  turned around you, face-to-face with the creature that stood behind me.
It was kneeling down so it was eye to eye with me his brilliant eyes glowing. I stared into my soul.
Before villently tilted his head as smile splintered across his face.

The last thing he saw was Izuku's  gaping jaws. . . and the sound of his own skull crushing and splintering into his brain.

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