You taste like pork but better

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The villain smirked devilishly, smiling ear-to-ear. Rage bubbled inside me like a potion in a witches brew threatening to explode at any moment.

Struggling to hold back from punching him in the face with an explosion, I leaned in and asked

"What do you mean, tortured
He stared at me wide-eyed, then let out a small chuckle that quickly and glue into a bellowing laugh. He began coughing and stopped himself from laughing too much

"Hem- Well you see... Izuku was that his name?"
I cringe at him saying his name
"When we got we noticed
that he had definitely been tortured, he had scars and a lot of them... but you know what" he said leaning in closer to me.

"He didn't have a single knife cut on him."

I stared at him in confusion for a moment before he continued.

"But what he did have was burn.             marks"

       I could feel my heart skip a beat as he said next sentence, looking me dead on with a villainous grin growing on his face.

"And they weren't just normal Burns either, they look like burn marks created from small"


{In high pitched female voice muffled from behind multiple walls}


The sudden Screech for help broke the tension sending us bolting down the hallway to see what was wrong.
I ran behind all might and Eraserhead the rest of the pro Heroes that were there traveling behind me.
-1 of course to watch The Prisoner.

He unfortunately he opened the door at the wrong time. Because at that exact moment in time the tendons and skin on leg the girls began to rip and. Causing her to scream in fear and pain as blood squirted from The Parting skin. The group of pro Heroes student there staring in horror as they saw blood squirting from what appeared to be nothing soaking the girl's uniform in the bright crimson liquid. The crunching sound of the bone snapped the group back into reality as they rushed over to help pull the girl from The hungry Best.

And off weight her leg detaching from the kneecap, spraying blood all throughout the room dying the horrified students red
The sound of Deku crunching her bones in his powerful jaw and ripping Apart Her flesh before their eyes  would haunt them forever.

The sounds of Hagakure cries and screams were heard throughout the building sending teachers and the rest of class 1a into panic. They were the only ones that new deku's location. Well the sound of an ambulance siren going off in the distance.




An hour has passed and Hagakure had been sent to the hospital, from the seriousness of the wound.
Recovery girl was absent on this specific day.

Bakugo scanned his classroom full of nervous reck, which four eyes was scolding and attempting to calm down.
They slowly closed the door behind, attempting to not make a sound but but failed the classroom looked towards them in silence.
But the silence did not last long.
My fellow classmate began bombarding me with questions and yelling at me. I angrily looked over at the group that was messing around by his cage.

"Don't harass me with stupid ass
aquestions! Let me ask why you were  in a place that I specifically
told you not to go."

I stare at my idiotic classmates stare back at me all stupid like. I walk over to the door and fling it open. Before looking over my shoulder and saying in an aggressive tone.

"It's your dumbasses fault that she got bit don't try to blame this on me"
"Oh and Denki, I legit thought that was you screaming."

I then slam the door and take off towards the principal's office where the villain still is.
When I reach the room some of the pro Heroes for attempting to interrogate him a bit more.

"This ain't going to work you know."
I say say in a hostile tone as I push
     all might out the way and yank the villain out of the chair. I pull him by his hair and cuffs down to the room that holds Izuku.


I waste no time in getting to the location I want, so I kicked the door sending it flying open and the door knob got stuck in the wall behind the door. But I didn't give a shit about that right now. I proceeded to drag the villain over to my childhood friends cage. I grabbed the back of his head holding him by the hair forcing his face to be an inch away from the blood covered claws of my old friend. As If Izuku new my plan before I walked in the room which he probably did he snarled and acted like a vicious Hungry Wolf.

)BOLD is yelling(

''Here's the deal" I say in an angry tone to the villain
"Either you're going to tell me why he's like this or you're going to end up as his food do you understand me!!!!"
He nods his head vigorously and begins cry out
"I already told you"

I look at him with fire growing in my eyes is he STUPID. " NO" I yell at him in a more than angry tone.


"Im afraid I can't tell you that."

I give him a menacing stare as I yank his head back to the extended deadly claws.

"Fine fine I'll tell you... whoevers DNA he consumes, that person's quirk will be taken... Even if they are still alive."

He looked up at me with hopeful eyes. Probably praying for his life and that, that was enough to satisfy me, unfortunately for him it was not. I give him a scowl that would scare all might himself and throw him at the cage, where is Izuku takes matters into his own claws buy piercing
Him in the gut, and pulling him through the bars while ripping out his throat. All might steps back, shook from the events that went down. I leave and go to the classroom where are the rest of the extras are waiting.

I open the door to be greeted with the stairs of my concern classmates. Apparently Mister Zap zap told them what happened with the invisible girl.
Not really giving a crap about them or their questions I walk over to my desk and sit down staring out the window.

I hear from across the room
Screech out to me. Which brings back the thought what the villain had said about his wounds.
They were made by someone with an explosion quirk and I know exactly who caused them.

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