The painful truth

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By the way I am using text to talk so I always talk in a super monotone voice while describing emotional events.


I turn my phone off and angry shove it into my pocket. All of my classmates look at me either annoyed, confused or scared. Shitty hair and Denki are apparently my new 'friends' not that I would call them that...ever.

Everybody in class knows that I know the kid that went missing.'Izuku'
But what they don't know is that I'm the reason he's gone missing.
So I just sit there looking out the window until we reach our destination.

Izuku Pov

I begin to rise to consciousness. Without even opening my eyes I knew today was going to suck.

My jaw and the inside of my throat where on fire, not to mention my kneecaps felt like I fell on an patch of razor blades. Then I decided to make a bad decision, I opened my eyes which also hurt.

I sat up on my now blood-stained couch and my vision turned white from sitting up too fast and introducing a agonizing headache. Causing my legs to act all weird and fling me forward leaving me face down in the middle of the room. This position was much more uncomfortable then usual, it felt like my knees were not touching the ground. So I rolled over onto my back leaving my knee bone rubbing against the ground uncomfortably.

I quickly sat up and got on my feet I stood they're standing at myself in the mirror in more disbelief.
Now I know why my knees felt weird they were inverted.

I studied myself in a mirror to find that-that was not the only change. The next thing I notice is my eyes. My pupil has been changed into that of a snake and I have acquired a second eyelid. I stand there staring at myself in disbelief for a moment or two messing with the combinations of my eyelids.

Until I was interrupted by a loud


This happens often people who have me down here are very clumsy and tend to drop large equipment for whatever that or they just like breaking stuff.

But this time I was unprepared and startled by it, so I let out a shriek
But what came out or didn't...
come out let my blood run cold. I stared at myself in the mirror again and tried to call out my name to keep myself from forgetting it I do this twice a day. But this time nothing came out , I couldn't speak . In a rush of panic I started yelling and screaming but no sound came.
If I did this before my voice would be sore, I sniffled and let out what would have been a cry of Sorrow, before heading back to my couch and finding a position to sit in that wasn't uncomfortable.

Until I was interrupted yet again bye the small steel window on the door sliding open and a smoke bomb being thrown into the room. Instantly a purple gas was released it's not like peppermint but overwhelming and not good. I begin coughing and wheezing. But then in an instant all of the smoke was pulled out bye something, I didn't see who because I was too busy dying on the floor.

I guess some people came into the room because the next thing I knew, someone had thrown a reinforced potato sack over my head and forcefully pushed me between my shoulders to the ground and tied my hands behind my back.Then it all went blacker.

I felt like animal, caged, trapped!
I was a monster I killed that kid, although he deserved it. Why me just why why why.WHAT DID I DO?

I awoke from my dream hoping to find myself in my old bed with my mom by my side comforting me from this nightmare. But alas that was a fools dream.
As I regained my consciousness I looked around, and felt the restraints heavy shackles around my inverted legs and arms that were tied behind my back. And I wore a heavy muzzle covering my entire jaw. I felt a heavy stream of Tears trickling down my face as I soundlessly sobbed listening to the feint shouting of a similar voice of one of the villains that help me captive.

It sounded like he was explaining a plan... but what kind of plan.
I slipped back to the dream Realm.

3rd POV


"Behind me-lies the key-to the destruction-of-ALL MIGHIT!"
"Now Goforth as we planned And don't mess this up. We all know what the goal is to kill All Might."

The hand man yelled in a raspy voice as he ripped an old black cloak off of a large steel cage. The audience of villains gasped in shock of the site that was Isuzu. The cage looked small compared to the Beast that was held Within.

The trap door on the cage swung open releasing August was still unconscious. Some of the stronger villains walked over and picked up a few of the thick chains that were attached do the muzzle and neck piece.The man shrouded in black and purple smoke broke what looked to be a salt packet in half to awaken the creature. This action sent some of the week villains into panic but were calmed with the evil stare of their leader.

And in silence the large group The villains marched through a ominous looking portal. And this specific portal lead to a small clearing filled with several shocked UA students.


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