Captive for a Captive

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Douglas wakes up some time in the evening to eat. The nurses had put him in his own bed chamber since his condition was improved so well. He still has a realy small appetite but eats all of what he is given hungrily. I came in just as he was finishing.

"Oi! If it isn't my hero," His voice is weak but his old smile has returned.

"That title actually belongs to Riesha. She found the entrance to the tunnel that led to the-"

"Finally getting to be a hero and you brush it off. What happened to my little sister?"

I sit on the edge of his bed. "I cannot tell you how glad I am that you are alright."

"I could say the same to you. After you escaped, I was just praying you'd make it home safely. I never thought you'd ride in on a white horse to save us. After all I'm your big brother, I'm supposed to protect you."

"You've taken care of me for so long. It is time for me to save you," I smile.

"Oh, Odin we've gotten sappy," he laughs. I give him a litte shove and join in laughing.

"But really Doug, were you that surprised that I just had to come and save you all?"

"No, it was that you had come with the calvary riding behind you. And a bood y marvelous one at that. I didn't even know this place existed."

"You of li'le faith," I tease.

"Really though, how did you do it?"

I sigh and begin. I start from my trek through the swamp then being found. I spare him no details and tell him all of it, from my escape to finding Zola and Quentin deep in the forest with Thom. Lastly, I tell about coming to Drakon and then finding him. He is a good listener.

"....once we were separated from the rest of the Drakon warriors, Riesha and I found the entrance to the tunnel that led us to you. From there n you know the rest o' the story."

"Yeah," he says staring at me. "You are remarkable, Aisling. I'm so sorry you had to do this all on your own."

But I have never felt alone. Not since Thom had climbed through my window at the castle. He had always been there for me. "I wasn't totally alone...." I mumble. "So what about you all? What happened since I escaped?"

"After the scuffle, the guards hadn't paid much attention to you being missing. That is until we arrived at the camp and the were hounded by one of thier leaders about it. Obviously all brawn and no brains, that lot. They separated all of us from mum. I haven't heard much of her since. Then I was put straight into a tent with Henning and Hagin. They kept us there on a ration of water and stale bread. Nothig really happened with us three until I was taken away to be tortured. They pulled me out of the tent and marched me straightforward with a blindfold. From there you've heard the rest." 

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