Chapter Eleven: Love

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It had been a few days since the accident that had crushed my heart completely. I haven't ate, I haven't slept and most importantly I haven't stopped thinking about her. Justin's father got us a ticket back to Southampton, he knew someone who worked on the cruise that came back. It was extremely hard getting back on a boat. Justin made it bearable and I managed not to cry.

"Are you okay lassy?" I looked up from staring at the same table where I'd won the tickets 3 months prior. Everything reminded me of her. I just couldn't get my brain to focus, on anything.

"I'm.... Okay." I went back to cleaning pint glasses with a cloth.

"My wife says the same. Just remember you're alive and well. Take a breather, nobody's here." It was pretty dead, I'd had a really hard time today. Just like every other day.

"You're in love aren't you?" I don't know why I asked this. He pulled something out from his jacket pocket.

"This is my wife. Anna. Everyday I think of how lucky I got. She's more beautiful than a sunset on an early Sunday." She was remarkable. The smile on his face showed so much love for her. It was almost sad.

"She's remarkable."

"That she is. Why did you ask?" He sipped on his whiskey I'd made him earlier before putting his wallet back in his coat.

"Well, I think I found my true love aboard the SS Titanic." I've not really told anyone else that apart from Justin. It's a lot to try and understand myself.

"You mean the boat of dreams, it sunk didn't it?" It did indeed. Sometimes I wish I went down with it myself.

"Yes sir.." I put the now clean glass behind me, and started checking the taps.

"Well how was it?" It's completely changed my life.

"Heartbreaking." I looked down, and gave up cleaning the glasses.

"I'm sorry for your loss lass. You'll find true love again. You have to love yourself more first. I encourage my wife to love herself more than me. That way she's confident, and loving." These are the rare few men you come across in bars, I knew he was kind of a local- but he was new to the area. He's been coming here on and off for about 9 months- but he never really spoke. He was never a problem, and always tipped when he could.

"Thank you." He was genuine, and I liked that.

"I best be off, before she realised I've snuck out for a quick one. Don't give up hope girl." I semi smiled for the first time today. But it quickly faded.

"Thanks." I smiled. He seemed like a nice genuine husband.

"What's that for?" Justin placed a what appears to be a burger in front of me?

"You've not ate much."
Justin's POV
I didn't really know the details on what happened on the Titanic. I was just there for the fun. I by chance made it on a life boat that me and a few blokes managed to flip over when it hit the water. I managed to find Alex, and we got the hell out of there. We did pick up anybody we found still alive. I'm so thankful for the friends I made.

I've noticed that she hasn't been eating, she hasn't even been sleeping. I hear the sobs from top floor we share. Separate rooms of course. I do love Alex. I hate seeing her like this. Because I once was in love with her, exactly like this. When she rejected me it hurt a lot. I didn't eat, I didn't sleep- just with pure fact that maybe I had lost my only friend.

I'm glad we managed to get over it, my heart still had an ounce of love for her- more than a friendship kind of love. I was jealous when she told me about Demetria, but I was heartbroken for her at the same time. I just wanted her happy, whether that be with me which is rather unlikely- or someone else. I was playing the role of her best friend- and I'd do my damn best to protect her from anything, however stupid her shenanigans were. Take the SS Titanic example.

"I'm not hungry." She pushed away the plate. I needed her to at least eat something.

"C'mon, for me?" I smiled.

"Fine, god you're so mean to me." She poked her tongue out. She's beginning to get more jokey, and laughy. If that's a thing. She's starting to brighten up. But I feared that wouldn't last long, and we'd be back to square one. I've caught her crying a few times. I just wished things were better.

"I care for you." I had a hard trouble showing my emotions sometimes.

"I know you do Justin. I feel like I've taken it for granted. You really are important to me, and you'll always be my best friend. I'm so thankful for you, and I don't know what I'd do without you." That got a lot deeper than I expected. I feel the same way. I trust her wholeheartedly. We've known each other for quite a few years now. For at least 5.

"I know. You're just as important to me." We met when we were 13 and we haven't looked back since. When Alex was 13 her parents died sadly, and my dad was her father's best man at the wedding. They didn't talk much, however when he found out he instantly invited Alex to stay. I loved my father for that, nothing but pure respect. I just don't like it when he drinks too much, I suppose that's were I got the trait from. My mother on the other hand she was a nice woman from what I recall. She left when my dad's alcohol abuse got too much. She was young too, 17 when she had me. Maybe I was too much to cope with and she left me behind.

I don't blame her. I'd say I got most of my manners, and slight knowledge about girls from the ladies my dad met, or the ones that I met when I went to the beach. I remember a woman helping me tie my shoes when I was 10, but I was so lonely as a child I often thought I made her up. I guess I'll never really know.

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