Chapter Three: Hero?

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It was so cold this time of night, I went back to the cabin eventually but I couldn't sleep. It was almost silent, nobody was really up. I mean who would be up at almost 3 in the morning? I could hear the peaceful sound of the engine getting to work, and the waves crashing against the boat. I decided to go for a smoke. It was so dark, I couldn't see anything, not even my own hands.

I knew the boat a little, only because I must have been around this deck at least 10 times. I hate being alone with my thoughts it's so horrible, so many memories, some good. some bad. I decided to just sit on a bench and admire the stars, they look so pretty. The sky always looks so beautiful and full of colour, you'd be a fool not to be jealous. I- loud sobs captured my attention, followed by the clicking of what I can only assume as high heels hitting the deck. It was definitely a woman.

Of course me being me, ran to the scene... I've always wanted to play the hero, and I'm too nosy for my own good. I always want to know what's going on, and I wasn't afraid of trouble either. It didn't faze me.

I came to the edge of the boat. My heart stopped. It's that girl from the night before, why would she want to do a thing like this? She seems to have the perfect life. I shouldn't assume, a book unopened has many secrets that are unknown. She was practically dangling from the side of the boat, she was going to commit suicide. I need to speak up, I can't let her go like that, I needed to do something. Come on! Pull yourself together.

"Don't do it!" My voice broke the silence, as the wind was blowing through my hair, this was all so tense. I wasn't very good with people, and I had no idea what I was going to say- but I was going to save her.

"Stay back!... Don't come any closer!" She commanded, this is ridiculous! Why would she not want any help? Is she sick of her life? She's on the Titanic, she's rich as hell. She could do anything. Yeah, and to top off that she's absolutely breathtaking.

I stepped closer putting my hand out, I couldn't let her do this. I was involved now, there's no going back, I just have to sweet talk. I can do that.

"Just give me your hand, I'll pull you back in...." Worry struck my heart, as our eyes connected under the moonlight. I barely know this girl, why am I trying to help her? If her million dollar therapist can't help her, what use would I be? I'm assuming she's got one of them of course.

"STAY WHERE YOU ARE! I mean it, I'll let go.." She took one hand off of the railing, and scrapped it through her hair. I stepped closer showing that I was serious.

"No you won't." I learnt this somewhere, I hoped that she wouldn't jump.. Maybe I was convincing her and myself. I didn't want to be the last person to see her. They wouldn't believe a girl from third class.

"What do you mean no I won't? Don't presume to tell me what I will and will not do! You don't know me." I was blown away by her sassy words, but I had to react fast. Her butt was pressed up against the railing, it was a good sight, but now wasn't the time to take in her beauty, it was more like saving her booty.

"Well, you would have done it already." I stated calmly, I'm trying to stall her, by telling her she's stalling. C'mon, I could do way better than that.

"You're distracting me. Go away!" I know she's a high status woman, but she always gives me demands, it's annoying. Maybe I should just let her- no. That's horrible, why did I even think such a thing!

"I can't! I'm involved now. You let go and I'll have to jump in after you." I threw my jacket on the floor. I really don't want to jump in, but something in my mind is making me do this.

"Don't be absurd, you'll be killed!" Oh so now she actually cares, maybe if she just came back over none of us would have to do anything.

"I'm a good swimmer." My dad taught me, before he got messed up with the law, it was only until I started growing up did I realise what he was doing to people were wrong, even if it helped us as a family. I wanted better for us.

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