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"I'm glad you decided to meet up with me." Hoseok smiles from across the booth.

He seemed to be glowing today, literally.

"Yeah, well I figured I should at least hear your apology." I say.

Hoseok pulls his lips in and nods.

"Right, well, I'm sorry about what I said..I was a dick. I'd really like it if you'd give me a second chance." Hoseok says.

I don't know why, but I believed his apology.

He seemed like a good enough guy.

One person couldn't truly be that horrible.

I just couldn't see him taking Sung-jee away from Yoongi.

Still, I was glad that Sung-Jee and Yoongi where good now.

Yoongi also got laid so it works out perfectly.

Maybe that means I should finally let go of trying to have my first time be special.

It really isn't a big deal anymore..

"I'd like that." I smile at Hoseok's offer.

"Great! So, after this should we go hang out more?" Hoseok asks, smiling from ear to ear.

"I'm up for that." I say.

Hoseok grins and bites into his French fry.


My eyes widened as I pushed Sung-jee away from me.

"What are you doing?" I ask, wiping at my mouth.

"Do you really hate me that much, Yoongi?! I use to be the love of your life and now you're treating me like I'm a piece of old moldy lasagna. We use to be in love. Why are you being like this?" Sung-jee asks, tears surfacing in her eyes.

"I don't hate you. Im just not in love with you, not anymore." I say.

Sung-jee looks up at me, her face turning into anger.

"This is because of y/n, isn't it?!"

"Of course not. We're just-"

"Don't lie to me, Yoongi!" She yells, causing my eyes to widen.

"Why else would you try so hard to keep guys away from her?! Why would you act the way you do if you didn't have feelings for her? Hoseok told me about you taking her first kiss too. I bet you planned to take her virginity as well. She isn't just your childhood best friend, is she?" Sung-jee asks, tears threatening to spill.

My chest felt tight.

It wasn't possible.

There's no way I'm in love with y/n.

"Is she?!" Sung-jee yells.

It wasn't possible..

It wasn't-

"No, she's not." I sigh.

Sung-jee chokes on her tears, her body going still.

"You're in Love with her, aren't you?"

It was the words I never imaged I'd be feeling when talking about y/n.

How could I possibly be in love with y/n?

I've been confusing love and my brotherly protectiveness this whole time.

I swallow, my chest heavy and tight.

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