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"So? Was it everything you had imagined it to be?" I ask after I pull away from y/n.

"Uh, I mean I guess." She says, clearly feeling awkward now.

I definitely felt it too.

"That was weird, wasn't it?" She asks.

"Very." I say as I bite my bottom lip.

"Um, I should probably go back downstairs. So Uh, thanks for that..I'll see you down there." Y/n says before standing up and hurrying out of the room.

Once she's gone I take in everything that just happened moments before.

I had actually kissed y/n.

It was definitely weird but I also didn't hate it like I probably should have...

I shake my head and stand up, following y/n downstairs to the others.

At least y/n's first kiss wasn't with Hoseok.

That made me feel a little bit better.


When I got down to everyone, Hoseok was the first person to approach me.

"Sorry about that. I didn't mean to make you feel awkward." He says.

"Oh, it's fine." I say.

"So then, maybe we can still kiss? You shouldn't have to wait this long to finally have your first kiss." Hoseok says, clearly unaware that I no longer needed to fill that void.

"I don't think so." I say as I pull my bottom lip between my teeth.

"Are you sure? I'll make sure you feel comfortable. We can even go somewhere else where no one is." Hoseok asks, leaning forward and rubbing a strand of my hair between his fingers.

"No really, I'm not worried about it anymore. I think I'll be okay." I say.

"It's just one kiss, y/n. It's not as special as you think."

Hoseok's words spun around in my head.

Hell, he sure was persistent.

"She said no, Hoseok." I hear and he pulls away from me and moves, revealing Yoongi coming our way.

"How do you know what she wants? You control her life 24/7 but you never once asked to see if maybe she liked me even a little. If she does you have no right to hold her back." Hoseok says.

I see Yoongi clench his jaw and he turns my way.

"Our rules, y/n." He says, his voice serious.

"Don't be afraid to speak your mind, y/n." Hoseok says from beside me.

I look between both of them and I feel my stomach turn.

To recap, I've known Yoongi all of my life and I've only known this guy for a little while.

So naturally, I'd choose..

"I'm not feeling well. I think I'm just gonna go home. Thanks for coming tonight." I say and sprint off towards my house.

I had to do what I knew best, aka, avoid the problem.

When I get into my house I go straight to my room and let out a sigh of relief.

What was up with that?

Hoseok was always so persistent talk to me and try to kiss me.

Does that mean he likes me or he just wants what guys always want??

I've been so sheltered from this type of thing all of my life that I'm clueless when it finally matters.

"You can't run away from all of your problems, you know that right?" I hear and look up to see Jiwoo as she plops down on my bed.

"It's just easier that way." I shrug.

"Maybe so but you have to face this head on. You now have a guy, that just so happens to be one of Yoongi's friends, taking a liking to you. Who knows when this is gonna happen again? You have to go for it man, fuck the rules." Jiwoo says.

"Yoongi's never broken any of those rules and if I did that, I'd break four out of the five. I don't want to do that." I say seriously.

"Sometimes the rules are meant to be broken." Jiwoo shrugs.

I groan as I fall back into my bed.

"Why does this  have to be so difficult." I sigh.

"Because life is difficult, sweetie." Jiwoo says as she looks down at me.

"I don't know what to do."

"What, about your first kiss?" Jiwoo asks the proceeds;

"Because I mean I'll kiss you." She says I look over at her, my eyes wide.

"Why would you-" I ask, confused.

"Because I'm a good friend." Jiwoo shrugs.

"I'm gonna have to pass on that offer." I decline quickly.

"Eh, your loss." She says as she pops her gum and stands up.

"Just think about it, Yoongi can't tell you what to do forever. Besides, maybe he's even broken a rule or two before." Jiwoo says then leaves the room.

I blink at where she once was.

Yoongi breaking our rules..

I really don't think so.

Yoongi isn't like that and I know that for a fact.

I shake the thought and lay back in my bed.

Tonight was..eventful.


"Y/n's done for the night." Jiwoo announces as she comes back from y/n's house.

"Is she okay?" Jimin asks, walking over to us with a puppy dog face.

"Yeah, she'll be okay." Jiwoo smiles before walking over to the drinks.

"She's probably just sick of being bossed around." Hoseok scoffs and I turn to him, my lips set into a straight line.

"You always have something to say, don't you?" I ask.

"Only when I see something I don't like." Hoseok says back.

"Come on you two, we're all friends here. Stop fighting, please." Jimin pouts as he grabs onto my arm.

I look down at him and sigh.

"Sorry." I say and shake my arm from his grasp and walk away.

Hoseok was my friend and all but holy fuck He's annoying.

He was repeatedly starting shit with me and it all started because of y/n.

I knew I should have never introduced her to them.

Especially with the way Hoseok is.

There's no way in hell I want him to be the first guy y/n dates.

Y/n doesn't know Hoseok like I know him.

He's known as one thing and one thing only.

He's a fuckboy.


A/n: First kiss !!?
Uh, Hoseok a fuckboy??

Good concepts here my friend😘🙂

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