Chapter Five - "No more burnt postcards"

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Jimmy did not remember exactly when or how his reflection returned back into the mirror, or exactly when he got home, but it didn't matter.

What did matter was how Jimmy had felt, all throughout the day he had seen his reflection gaze in awe at surroundings which had appeared to be gloomy and tiresome to himself. It was strange how isolated Jimmy felt from the world around him, and it was stranger still how he had realised this only a day ago.

It made him realise a lot of things, Jimmy had abandoned his life only to hide away from everything else, he created illusions of sorrow and desolation since he was a child. He was so driven to see things in his own way that he had forgotten how everything actually looked.

He walked towards the Victorian mirror. The designs were so intricate and refined that it made him stop and gaze in pleasant amazement. He looked at his reflection, it stared back at him as always, but this time he didn't see a tired and groggy face, he saw something new, something better.

Jimmy took a bit more time making his coffee, and although it required multiple attempts on his behalf, he finally created a cup worthy to drink. He smiled at the realisation that it didn't taste of sea water. He looked down at the silly little creature gazing up at him with its big eyes full of wonder. Surprising himself and especially the poor puppy he reached down and lightly scratched her behind the ear, her fur was silky and soft and he decide that he may want to pet her more often.

Jimmy also decided that it was probably time to stop burning postcards, maybe he would just let the dog tear them up a bit, you know, not destroy them completely. He could even put them on top of the fireplace afterwards.

Ymmij looked down at his hand for about the hundredth time since he had woken up. Much to his surprise the sickly shade of grey had begun to slowly fade away after he had returned to his own world.

In fact, a lot of things had begun to fade away on that day, only to be replaced with new things. He opened the moss-less window to look up into the sky. It wasn't the bright blue of Jimmy's world but it was a start, the darkness had faded, leaving only speckles of what once had covered the whole world. He really wished Jimmy would get a dog, or at least a hamster, once his sister would pick the puppy up of course.

He sat back onto the small couch in the living room as he looked outside with a hazy smile of content. But the hazy smile changed quite rapidly to a full on grin of delight as soon as Ymmij heard the sweet and harmonic sound of the ice-cream truck.

We all have a different perspective on the world around us, so what's yours?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THE END~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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