Chapter Three - "A very bleak reality"

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Ymmij could not understand why he was the reflection of such a terrible human being, all Jimmy ever did was frown, and Ymmij hated people who frowned.

But nevertheless he was still a reflection, and his opinions counted for naught in both his world, and in Jimmy's.

But he knew it wasn't right.

Jimmy was asleep now, tossing and turning. His twisted thoughts just fuelled the constant nightmares that left him deprived of sleep; it was probably something about the dog again tonight. Ymmij knew that the dog probably didn't mean to do it, it was the owners fault for not training the poor thing. He felt sorry for it, he wished he had know the dogs gender, he hated calling animals "it". A dog is only as good as it's owner Ymmij thought as he stared back into his own world, he thought that the same rule must apply to reflections.

When Jimmy was younger it wasn't so bad, he didn't have so much hatred for the world, or just didn't see it in himself yet. Back then the world in which Ymmij lived in was pure. It resembled the human world, with bright blue skies and warm sunshine, and the rain. Ymmij loved the rain, it was the equivalent of life after all, it gave new hope for plants and animals alike, it kept the world fresh and clean, full of wonder.

But it never rained here, and the sun never shone, and the skies were not blue any more.

It had always been there, Ymmij guessed, the darkness. But now it thrived. It had eaten away at the world he had once known and loved. It burned away all the light, and now it had taken its toll on Ymmij. He stared down at the charcoal ground in disgust, and then at his hand, it was turning a grisly shade of grey, starting at his fingertips and ending at his wrist.

Ymmij was only a reflection, and a reflection is what someone can see, all Jimmy saw was darkness, and now all he saw was all he was going to become. Unless Ymmij stopped it. With that he turned back to the mirror, took a deep breath, and ran right into it.

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