Something under my bed

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"So today was a great day. I went to school and made a new friend! I liked my optional history class, it was really fun."

James told that to his mom. He knew, deep down, that what he was saying wasnt quite true. You see, he really didnt go to his optional history class, he actually stayed in the hallways, looking at cute people who went past him.

But anyways, it was time for bed. So James got ready in hic ACDC extra large shirt that his dad gave him when he was little. Did I forget to tell you?

Jame's dad died 5 months ago.

He has alot of nightmares about him, even though it is his very own dad.

So he really did not enjoy going to bed, but he felt too embarassed to tell his mom or anybody about his situation.

So once he was in bed he closed his eyes.

A couple hours later, around 2 am, he felt something moving under his bed.

He thought it was a dream, so he tried ignoring it.

But then the moving got more intense.

He ignored it once again, even a part of him was telling him to check under the bed.

But he didnt.

Finally, he felt something standing up.

He opened his eyes slightly and saw a black figure standing.

It looked like his dad, but evil.

So he started to get freaked out.

He closed his eyes and waited for what was to come.

Suddenly, he felt pain in his chest.

He opened his eyes and didnt see anything.

He called his mom, amd she came in horrified.

He looked at himself and noticed that his shirt was all torn up.

His mom ordered him to take it off, while she went too look for some gauze.

When she came back, she was shocked.

In his chest was writen in scratches: Let him come with me.

It was written in the same letter his dad used, while he was still alive.

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