Scratches on the door

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Every night, I would let my dog sleep with me if he wanted to. But, just in case he had to do his dog stuff, I would leave the door open. Later I would cloes it back. Every single friggin' night I would hear my dog scratching on my door. I never payed much atention too it. My dogs name was Coco, and I found him hungry in a shelter (#AdoptDontShop), so I deceided to take him, cause why not? He is the cutest, sweetes dog I have ever met in my whole life. Hes just a so perfect doggie!
Anyways, back to the story. One night, he was scratching so hard the door, I thought my mom would of found out, and she will treat me badly. So I threw a plushie at the door. I heard my dog whinning, I looked at my side, and ge was right next to me. The door creaked open, and I saw a crawling spectral. It was examining me. I was absolutley horiffied. Suddenley, my muscles could not move. I could only shake my head. The ghastly figure grabbed my ankle and yanked me. It squeezed me so hard. I was going to start crying. Coco was hiding under my bed. Thank god he didnt make a sound. What a releif! At least someone would make it out alive. Dont say that to yourself, idiot. Your gonna make it out, just imagine yourself like if it was just a dream. Think how you CAN control your body in this dream.
That is what the little tiny-clever voice in my head. I closed my eyes tightly shut, and imagined a dream were I could move freely. Suddenley, I smacked the ghastly hand and springed off my bead, grabbed Coco and ran to the hallway. I waited outside in my porch till my mom came. I told her everything, and a couple days later, we moved houses.

Authors Note:
Guys im sorry for such a short story. I did not know how to make it longer! I just thought it up, and made it a bit longer. But it was in vain. So like im extremley so sorry for only giving yall 400 words today.
Oh guys thank for the flood votes from KitsuneMa. And thanks to the active readers. Oh! Please point out any grammar mistakes. It would help me of you do!

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