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Sapheara: Hey guys! So, Starla isn't allowed to be in this chapter for reasons you'll know in a moment therefore I am taking over for this chapter! Now, today we have an anonymous ask for the boys!

Boys: *they suddenly find themselves sitting in the void with saph*

Rebel: What the hell?!

Swift: how did I get here?

Ghost:*has his gun ready just in case*

M.C.: Dammit! I was so close to beating my high score!

Saph: Alright guys! I'm taking over for scarlet today and I have a question for you all from anon! The question is: what is your favorite thing about your crushes?

Rebel: Easy. I love RJ's sass. She can be sweet but it's cute when she gets all feisty and sassy.

Ghost: She's cute and quiet. I find it adorable how shy she is.

Swift: I love how she acts like she doesn't care even though it's obvious she does. It's cute watching her get all flustered when someone hints that she likes me.

M.C.: She's fun to be around and a sweet girl! I love hanging out with her whenever I can!

Saph: Aww! Cute! So then my next question is: what is your favorite thing about them physically?

Rebel: I love it when she sways her hips while she walks. It's sexy.

Ghost: I like how short she is compared to me. I can pick her up and watch her blush.

Swift: Her ass. Say what you will, but I love her ass.

M.C.: Her hair. I don't know why but I just love her hair.

Saph: Interesting. Alright, well that's it! Boys, anything you wish you could say to your crushes before we leave?

Rebel: I love you. You're the most amazing and strong girl I've ever met.

Ghost: I love you. You're the sweetest and kindest girl I've ever met.

Swift: I love you. You're the most beautiful and sexy girl I've ever met.

M.C.: I love you. You're the coolest and funniest girl I've ever met.

Saph: Aww! So cute! Anyway, see you guys later! *moods the guys back to the hideout and waves*
Hope you guys enjoyed this cute little chapter! 😊💜

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