Chapter 6

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Here's Chapter 6! And please, Vote and Comment. Tell me whatcha like and dislike. 



Chapter Six

When the room returned to normal he was still in front of me. He loosened his grip around my neck and I feel to the floor gasping for breath. It took some time till Jacob clued in and realized I was on the floor crying at the fact that he almost killed me.

“Amanda!” He shouted. He bent down to help me up to the bed. I automatically started to cry into his shoulder in disbelief that my boyfriend tried to choke me to death.

Don’t trust a witch.

Those words spoken from my grandmother, which I was starting to believe.

But wait, he wasn’t entirely himself. He was drunk. That’s a good excuse, isn’t it?

“Are you okay?” He asked, concerned. I realized that his breath no longer smelt like alcohol.

I took several deep, calming breaths before answering his question. “Yeah, I’m better.”

Isabelle came bursting into the bedroom. A little bit late. Better late then never, I guess.

“What happened? I hear Jacob scream out your name.” She started. Her eyes seemed to glow with fear. Not like a natural glow, but like a glowing flashlight.

“Yeah,” Jacob said. “It was over exaggeration. It was nothing to important.”

Yeah. My boyfriend just tried to choke me to death. Nothing to important. I thought. I wonder what would have to happen to be classified as important in his definition.

Jordan came rushing into the room. There was also something wrong with his eyes too. I just couldn’t figure it out.

“What’s going on?” He asked.

“Nothing,” Jacob answered quickly. Do I even have a say about what happened?

“Well, since there was nothing happening,” Isabelle said while tip-toeing closer to me. She gingerly grabbed my hand and started to make her way towards the door. “We have to go.”

“No you don’t,” Jordan started to protest. “What possible reason do you have for leaving? You can’t use school as an excuse because there is none, and your parents because your parents are gone too.”

“Amanda has family problems,” She said. Gosh, does she have to tell the world? “And she needs my help.”

“See you guys later.” I said before any of them could object. As I looked before leaving I saw that Jordan has a dark glow to his eyes. He didn’t seem angry, just that it has an usual shadow to them Like a ring of darkness. 

I wondered if Jacob remembered anything that happened. His facial expression didn’t bear to snow any remembrance.

Oh crap. More mysteries.

“So what do you want to do?” I asked Isabelle.

We were inside my house in my clean bedroom.

“I don’t know. My parents said that I had to stay with Jordan until they got back, but, I’m not going back to that drunken hell house.”

My eye's widened with surprise. “Wow, you just said hell.”

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