Chapter 11

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Running out of the front door, Beca pauses just long enough to lock it before all but sprinting to the car. Throwing her suitcase in the already open trunk, she slams it shut before jumping into the front seat and quickly driving off well above the speed limit.

"You know, Becs, if you'd have just listened to me and packed last night, we wouldn't have to worry about whether or not we'll make it there by tomorrow night." Chloe says from the passenger seat, lazily flipping through a magazine.

"I will have none of your sass. You know I had to have that demo done by last night if you wanted me to spend the fourth with you and your parents." Beca says, getting onto the highway leading to Tampa.

"You had all week, Becs. Not trying to fight, just stating a fact." Chloe replies, shutting her magazine. Grabbing Beca's iPod, she plugs it into the car radio and puts it on shuffle. "Ooh, I love this song!" Chloe exclaims after hearing the opening chords to Death of a Bachelor by Panic! At the Disco.

Beca smirks, beginning to sing in her smooth alto voice.

Do I look lonely?

I see the shadows on my face

People have told me I don't look the same

Chloe smiles, before harmonising with her seamlessly.

Maybe I lost weight

I'm playing hooky

With the best of the best

Put my heart on my chest

So that you can see it too

They continue singing, laughing as the song ends and transitions into Titanium.

"Oh, god. Not this song. I can't listen to it without having scarring memories of a perverted redhead barging into my shower come back to me." Beca says teasingly with a chuckle.

Chloe smirks. "Who does this redhead think she is? Barging into my girlfriend's shower. Did she have a better body than me?"

Beca laughs. "Definitely not, babe. Nothing could compare to your body."

They both laugh, before Chloe's eyes droop seductively. "You know, Becs," Chloe starts with a husky voice, her hand traveling up Beca's leg to her groin. "I wasn't lying when I said this song really builds." She finishes, hand rubbing teasingly on her girlfriends member through her jeans.

Beca's breath hitches. "Oh yeah?" Beca asks shakily.

"Yeah. I could always," Chloe's hand moves to the hem of Beca's jeans. "Demonstrate it for you." She finishes, her hand moving to pop open the button in Beca's jeans.

Beca grabs Chloe's hand, stopping her attempt at starting something. "As much as I would love to, and trust me, I'd really fucking love to, I'm driving so I can't." Beca explains, moving Chloe's hand back to her side of the car.

Chloe sighs, sitting back in her seat. "Fine." Chloe says, before getting an idea. "I guess I'll just have to show you some other way." Chloe says, reaching for Beca's iPod again. She puts Titanium on repeat, before sitting back again and undoing her pants.

Pulling them down slightly, Chloe slips her hand between her legs, teasingly stroking her wet core to the beat of the song, imagining it was Beca.

When she lets out a soft moan, Beca looks over curiously, her eyes nearly bulging out of her head at the sight in front of her. "Chloe, what are you doing!?" Beca asks incredulously, her eyes flickering from her girlfriend to the road and back again.

Instead of answering, Chloe applies more pressure to her bundle of nerves, releasing another moan. Increasing her pace, Chloe moans out Beca's name, before slipping her nimble digits down to her entrance and pushing one in. She releases a low moan, instantly matching the pace of the song as Beca's name falls breathlessly from her lips.

Taking in her surroundings and noticing they're on a nearly deserted part of the highway, the last car seen about thirty miles back, Beca pulls into the dirt land, going a little further in and parking. Leaving the car on, she turns the radio volume up before getting out of the car.

She walks to Chloe's side, yanking the door open before leaning in and attaching her mouth to Chloe's as she removes her hand from it's position and helps her out of the car. Shutting Chloe's door once more, Beca lifts the ginger to she's sitting in the frame of the open window.

She pulls away from the gingers lips, and begins roughly making her way down Chloe's neck, leaving bite marks in the areas she knows the redheads parents won't see. ("What? I'm horny, not stupid." "Becs, my parents don't care." "Yeah, that's what they all say and then you wind up dead in a ditch." "Oh, quit being dramatic.") When she reaches the redheads pants, she slowly pulls them down, leaving a trail of kisses down the redheads thigh.

After removing her pants, Beca moves back up to kiss Chloe. Requesting entrance, Beca moves her tongue into the redheads mouth, exploring it with her tongue. Unbuttoning her pants, Beca pulls them down just enough to free her throbbing member.

She runs her hand through the redheads folds, smirking at the wetness she feels, before using the wetness to coat her cock. "You ready?" Beca asks, already lining her tip up with her entrance.

Chloe bites her lip and nods, before feeling Beca slowly enter her. Her eyes slip closed as she feels the throbbing intensify tenfold at the feeling of being so full. She lets out a long moan as Beca pulls back out to the tip, before pushing back in.

She quickly matches her thrusts to the beat of the song, speeding up along with it and thrusting harder at each sharp note. Chloe's quick to reach the edge, trying to hold out as long as she can in order to keep feeling the immense pleasure.

As the song reaches its chorus for the third time, Chloe can no longer hold back her orgasm. Beca had making each thrust sharper than the last since the second rotation, and Chloe was sent over the edge, literally seeing pitch black and stars.

When she came back to, Beca was slowly thrusting into her, helping her to ride out her orgasm. Chloe pulled her into a lazy kiss, having spent all her energy on that orgasm.

"Are you guys okay over there?" Their kiss is interrupted by a deep voice. Beca pulls back with wide eyes, looking over Chloe to see a car parked by the road and a man making his way towards them.

Chloe looks at the man with a dazzling smile. "Yeah, we're fine! We were just taking a break from our road trip and decided to stop and enjoy the scenery." Chloe replies happily, gesturing to the mountains.

The man stops about fifteen feet from the car. "Are you sure? I heard screaming."

Chloe blushes and remains quiet, so Beca speaks. "I just proposed. She said yes." Beca replies, smiling.

The man smiles. "Oh, congratulations." He replies. "Okay, well then I'll just be on my way. I wish you the best of luck in your marriage." He says, turning and making his way back to his car.

After the man drives away, Beca pulls out and chuckles. Chloe looks at her with a smirk. "So, we're engaged now?" She asks.

Beca shrugs. "Well, if you want then I guess so." She replies, pulling a box out of her pocket. Chloe's eyes widen in shock. "I was going to wait until the fourth, but I mean, that's too cliché for me anyways." She says with a smirk.

Chloe busts into a huge grin, and Beca's afraid her face might split in half from the intensity of it, before she captures Beca's lips with her own.

When they pull apart for air, Beca slips the ring onto the redhead's finger. "Come on fiancée. We need to tell your parents the good news." She says, before helping Chloe out of the window and walking to the drivers side. With one last kiss, Beca starts back down the highway towards the Beale's home.

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