Chapter 8

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Chloe sits nervously, waiting for her name to be called. Her leg bounces as she glances around the small room, looking at all the women. They all seem calm, as if they've been here plenty of times.

Chloe never thought she'd be here. She was perfectly set on becoming an exotic dancer or teaching underprivileged children how to sing, whichever paid the most. Her plan never accounted for her to not get any of the jobs she'd applied for.

That's why she's here now. Where might here be?

A porn company.

Not having a job means very little income, so she's currently five days late on rent. When looking for a way to make money quick, the top non-illegal result was a porn video.

"Chloe Beale." Chloe's bouncing and frantic looking immediately stops and she looks towards the man who just called her name. He motions for her to follow him, so she stands and makes her way towards him. He leads her down a hallway to an office and takes a seat behind a big, mahogany desk. Chloe sits across from him, and begins to nervously ring her hands together.

"Alright, Chloe, why are you here?" The man asks, leaning back and crossing his arms.

Chloe clears her throat. "Uh, well, I'm currently unemployed and needed to make money fast so I can pay my rent." Chloe explains, looking the man in the eye.

"You do realise that as soon as your face is out there on porn sites that it'll be very hard to get a professional job, correct? Not many companies and places that are supposed to maintain good images will want to hire you." He says, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, I do understand that. My plan was to become an exotic dancer anyways, so maybe they'll be more willing to hire me afterwards. Who knows, maybe I'll even like this and continue to do it." Chloe explains.

"Alright, well first we'll have to go over a few things." He says, shuffling through some papers. He grabs one and a pen, before looking back at Chloe. "Okay, first you'll need to get a recent STD test. So anything over thirty days old won't work."

"Oh, I already got one the other day. I have it here in my purse." Chloe says, reaching into her purse and pulling out an envelope. The man takes it and grabs it's contents, looking over it before nodding and putting it back. He writes something on his paper and looks back at Chloe.

"Alright, we need to know what you're willing to do. Here's a list of different things, just cross out whatever you're uncomfortable with." He says, handing her a paper and pen.

Chloe takes the items and looks down, crossing out very few things. She hands the paper back to the man. He looks at the paper, reading what she's crossed out. He looks back with a raised eyebrow. "Not one for receiving or inflicting pain I take it?"

"I can't handle much pain and don't like hurting others." Chloe says.

"Alright, well, be here Monday at ten in the morning. We'll have you set up and you'll find out what is you're doing then. If you don't like it, then you can leave but don't expect to try and come back." He says, standing up and holding out his hand.

"Thank you, sir. I'll see you on Monday." Chloe says, shaking his hand before leaving.

On Monday, Chloe rolled up to the same building at nine forty. She walks inside and goes to the front desk.

"Hello, ma'am. How can I help you today." The receptionist asks, giving a small smile.

Chloe returns the smile. "I have an appointment for ten a.m." Chloe says.

"Alright, what's your name?" The woman asks.

"Chloe Beale." Chloe responds, watching as the woman types her name into the computer.

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