Chapter 6

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"Chloe!" Chloe hears called out by her mom. She sets aside the homework she'd been working on and head down to the living room. When she enters she sees her mom and dad hurrying about the kitchen, frantically grabbing keys, passports, and phones.

"You called?" Chloe says, watching as her father looks for the keys to the car. After a few seconds of him not finding them, Chloe speaks. "They're on the counter, dad." Her father let's out a sigh after seeing them, before grabbing them and nodding his thanks.

"Honey me and your father just got a call from the company. We've got to head out for a conference soon. Here's some money for food and anything else you might need." Her mom said, gaining her attention. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out two hundred dollars. "We won't be back until either Tuesday night or Wednesday morning. If you want you can have some friends over, but no parties." She says.

"We have to go, hon. I love you, sweetie. We'll see you in a few days." Her father says, giving her a hug before heading out of the door with his and her mother's bags.

"Goodbye, Chlo-bear. I love you." Her mom gives her a hug and a kiss on the forehead before disappearing out the front door. Chloe pockets the money her mom gave her and heads up the stairs with a smile.

When Chloe reaches her room, she heads over to her nightstand and grabs her phone.

Chlo-bear: Hey my parents are out. Want to come over? ;)

xxBecsxx: What's with the winky face weirdo? And idk. Answer me one question first. May I bring booze and/or pot?

Chlo-bear: Why would you need those when you have my awesome self to keep you company?;)and because I like winky faces. Deal with it Mitchell. ;) ;) ;) ;)

xxBecsxx: No I think you're just weird. And because if I'm going to have to put up with the inevitable cuddling and movies then I need something to make it interesting.

Chlo-bear: I could find some ways to make it interesting. ;)

xxBecsxx: -_-

Chlo-bear: *Sigh* I guess. But you totally have to play some fun games with me ;)

xxBecsxx: Alright. Be there in ten.

Chlo-bear: Bring PJs! You're spending the night!

xxBecsxx: Figured you wouldn't have it any other way, Beale.

Chloe smiles and throws her phone on her bed. She collects all of her school supplies and puts them on her desk before picking up her room. She throws her dirty clothes in her hamper and straightens up her sheets. When she's done she goes over to her movies and picks out a few to watch with Beca.

After she picks out the movies, she goes downstairs to start collecting snacks. As soon as she gets down the stairs, she hears the front door open. Footsteps soon follow before she hears a familiar voice.

"You know, you should really lock your front door, Beale. I could've been, like, a murderer or something." Beca says as she follows Chloe into the kitchen.

"Did you lock it?" Chloe asks, already knowing the answer.

"Of course! No way in hell will I ever risk someone walking into my house and killing me!" Beca States indignantly.

Chloe chuckles. She always gets this response, or a similar one, when asking this question. It's part of the reason she refuses to believe Beca's a badass. That and her immense fear of heights and thunder. Thunder. Not lighting, the harmful thing, but thunder. The. Noise. "Last time I checked, this is my house." Chloe says, emphasising the word 'my'.

"Meh. I'm here enough times a week for it to be considered my house too. Hell, I spend more time here than my own house." Beca says. "Alright. I have....." Beca starts, setting a bag on the counter. "Some grappa... Am I saying that right? Ah, whatever. I got some of that shit and some Sierra tequila silver. Two of the ten strongest alcohols in the U.S. And for pot, I brought monster." Beca says, referring to her favorite two foot tall bong. "I got some of that fruity pebbles flavored shit that you like, just as a thank you kind of thing for allowing me to stink up your house. Figured if you actually liked it, you wouldn't care about the smell."

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