f o u r

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❝Dylan are you dressed? I want to shop.❞

I gasped into my hand and made my steps quieter. She was proabably walking to my room. I heard my room door open and I made a swift sprint to the front door. I left the door open as I ran across the vast lawn. Zayn's car was parked right in front and both doors were open. I smiled widely. I felt so alive.

This felt like the moment he breathed smoke into my mouth except this time Life was breathing into me. It was breathing freedom. I got into the car yelling " Go.Go.Go.Go."

As he sped away I saw my mom poke her head out the front door. Even at this distance our eyes met and I saw something in her eyes. Something I never saw before. Something new, like the feelings I felt right now.

" Shit. I forgot my bag.", I mumbled. He grasped the steering wheel with one hand and reached to the back with the other . He tossed me my Batman bag playfully.

" Batman everything.", he said while glancing at my ears. Yes. My earrings were Batman too. I nodded and looked around his car. It was like any guys car.

A little junk here. A little junk there. Then that one corner that you just can't make out what the hell was occupying it.

" Junk everything.", I backfired while smiling at him.He smiled back and glanced at me as he drove.

" Where are we going?", I asked. We fell of my lips so easily,so gracefully. I was making a big deal out of nothing. Obviously.

" A little place called home.", he chuckled while putting his arm on the armrest. I was stalking his hand honestly. I was dying for him to make a move to place his hands between my thighs or rest it on mine, but he did not even bother.

" Music.", he said more to himself then to me. I smiled at his spoken thoughts and how he was so blunt, and smug about it.

❝I smoked a whole damn pound. I'ma need another one . Nother' one. Eyes closed , I won't come down. Only papers. We don't fuck with blunts.❞

The lyrics to the song were harsh,and different. I never listen to rap. Ever. I watched as Zayn's head bobbed along and he mumbled the lyrics to himself. I smiled and turned it up a bit , causing him to chuckle graciously.

" Who is this?". I asked , yelling over the radio. " Wiz Khalifa.", he said while turning into the parking lot of a place called, A Place Called Home. This guy had a crazy since of humor. His smirk was permanent. Nothing could wipe that one off his face.

" Stay in the car, I'll be right out in a second.", he said while swinging his legs out the car and leaving before I could input protest. I watched as he quickly walked into the building. When he opened the door I could see a waft of smoke swoosh out and since the window were down...I smelled marijuana.

My mind travelled to the possible things that could be going down inside the building.Only things that reflected the worst stood out. Nothing Nothing that wasn't sick and evil filled my mind.

Minutes later Zayn came back and slid in the car without a word. His demeanor was changed. He went from playful and mishcevious to dark and brooding.

" You alright?", I asked while putting my hand on the armrest because his was not occupying it and it was awkward when it was empty.

" Yea.", he said. His voice was hoarse and filled with hidden pain. I wanted to know his problem. My mind demanded to know what went down behind the doors of, A Place Called Home. My nosy side almost got the best of me but I decided it would be better if I stayed in my place. My place as the girl who he banged last night and the girl that he admitted to liking.

" We'll go to a friend's house and catch breakfas,yea?", His bvoice filled the deafening silence and his arm joined mine on the cold armrest. I nodded. if I spoke I would blab and eventually bring up the building, I did not want to do that.

The friend of his lived in the condos at the edge of town. They were the best, the biggest, and the most luxourious. I imagined his friend being a guy wearing a tight white suit, shades in waist deep rain, and GUCCI loafers, but instead we were greated by a shirtless, tattooed, curly haired lad with what seemed like a shirt wrapped around his head.

" Zayn!", he said while giving him a friendly ''man hug'' which of course made me chuckled. He turned and looked at me smiling.

" Hey. i'm Harry.", he said smiling. His smile was warming and friendly all together, his jade eyes seemed to devour my every feature. They actally seemed to devour everything. The scenery, the sounds, everything. We walked in and I took in my surrondings. It was a modern house. White walls, silver and black furniture, and a little touch of home. It was eerily clean though for a guy to live her.

" Where's Louis?", Zayn asked as we walked in. He was familiar with the place. I could tell. Nothing in here was new to him and he liked that. I could tell that too. He liked to feel in control and knowing things fed that craving.

Ohh he definetly likes to be in control, I thought. I smirked to myself as Zayn and Harry talked about something. I was not listening. My mind was wrapped around the fact that Zayn loved to be in control.


I gasped and flinched in horror. I did not know that Zayn was so close. I forgot I was in a room with people actually. Zayn and Harry's laughs filled the room. I rolled my eyes. It was not that funny. it was not funny at all.

[ Author's note]

Sorry this is a filler. Ughhh I'm feeling so boring right now..I'll have another chapter up today..later on

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Dedicted to @r5everrr because I like the smut she rights..hahaha xD

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