Chapter 4

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        Kristen dropped a box on the ground, putting her hand on her knees and taking a few deep breaths. Why did Calvin decide to get an apartment on the fourth floor of a building? Carrying all these boxes up the stairs was absolutely terrible, and of course the one time she desperately needed an elevator, it was out of service for a few days. Just her luck. "Dude I should start working out more or something, cause I'm dying over here." She told Cal, rolling her eyes as she watched him flip through the channels on the TV. "Ya know you can help to." She told him, shooting him a dirty look. 

        "You see I CAN help, but do I want to? Nope." Cal said, shooting her a smug smile and stretching his legs out on the couch. 

        "Why did I move in with you again?" She wondered, rolling her eyes and moving the boxes so there was more room in the kitchen. 

        "Cause I'm the best." Calvin said confidently, returning his attention back to the stupid show on the TV. 

        "Yeah the best." Kristen muttered, making her way back down the stairs and to Calvin's truck to grab another box from the back. She was muttering to herself as she walked down the stairs, not paying attention. When she turned a corner she bumped into someone, almost falling over if he hadn't of grabbed hold of her arm. 

        Sam laughed, steadying her gently. "You're on a mission holy shit." He joked, releasing his grip from her arm.

        "Wow, we really need to stop meeting like this." Kris said, slightly annoyed. "And yes actually, I'm trying to move in and Cal is being absolutely no help at all, and the elevator is broken, and my arms are sore. " She breathed out all at once, feeling a little better now that she got that off her chest. She didn't mean to sound like a bitch but she was tired, sweaty, and sore. She just wanted to be done so she could lounge on the couch, get some rest, and then probably beat Cal. 

        "What a douche. I'll help, I'm not busy. I came to see Cal, but screw him." Sam joked, flashing her a silly smile. He turned around and started walking back down the stairs.

        Kristen huffed softly, she knew there was no use arguing with him since he would just insist anyway. Plus she wasn't going to lie about how she didn't need his help, cause she really did. So she sucked up her pride and followed him out to the truck, instructing him on what to do. 

        "What the hell do you have in these boxes Kris? My arms are going to fall off." Sam complained, carrying two bigger ones up the stairs at the same time. He looked like he could drop them at any second.

        "I warned you buddy, two is too much." Kris said, following close behind him, carrying her one box. 

        "No I can do it, just afterward my arms might not work anymore." Sam told her, setting them on the ground once they got to her apartment.

       "See that's why I didn't help her." Cal said, strolling into the kitchen and grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. "Girls have so much useless shit. I bet the one you carried is just makeup." He joked, leaning against the counter and watching them.

        "Okay whatever you say Cal, but you have a bunch of useless shit too. All those DVD's taking up space in the living room can go." Kris told him, a sarcastic smile on her face. 

        "Not my DVD's are you crazy?! They are not useless, they serve a big purpose in my life." Cal told her, shocked she would even say such a thing. "I may not have watched any recently, but what if we get rid of them and then one day we just want to watch one? Then what? Then we're fucked cause they're gone." He tried to defend them, stating it so matter-a-factly. 

        Kristen laughed, grabbing herself a water bottle and taking a few sips. "Wow I guess we have to keep them then." 

        "That's what I thought. Hey, we should go watch one right now. Sam you in?" Cal asked, wondering back into the living room and searching through the case for something to watch. 

        Sam nodded, turning to Kris and giving her an apologetic look. "Definitely, this girl is working me to the bone." He joked, going to join him in picking out a movie.

        "Dude you've literally carried two boxes total. That was your first trip up the stairs.." Kristen told him, eyebrows furrowed. 

        "Yeah and it sucked, I can see why you were wining earlier. Good luck with the rest. Or ya know what just watch a movie with us. Maybe the stuff will move itself eventually who knows." Sam continued on, pulling out all the Fast and Furious movies Cal happened to own. "We can make a marathon of it." He said, a little to excited. 

        "Yes, perfect!" Cal called, grabbing the first one and setting everything up.

        Kristen groaned, practically stomping into the living room. "Guys pleaseeeee." She dragged out, hoping if she sounded annoying enough they'd give in just to hear her shut up. "I literally have like 10 boxes left and if you help me, I'll buy you both Chipotle." She bargained, a small smile on her face. This would get them for sure. 

       "Really?" Sam and Calvin both happened to say at the same time, eyebrows raised. "Chipotle isn't something you mess around with." They warned her, moving towards her. During high school they spent a lot of time at the closest Chipotle. People that worked there started memorizing their orders cause they were there so often.

        "And I'm not joking. Come help me with the rest and then I'll go out right after and get it for you guys." Kristen told him, pleased with herself. She should have thought about this hours ago. It might have worked with just Cal.

        They both groaned at the same time, knowing they were undefeated. There was no way they could turn that down and both the boys knew that. "Fine, lets go." Sam said, making his way back down the stairs and to the truck, Calvin following close behind. 

        Kristen smiled and followed them downstairs also, but took her sweet time cause she was going to make them do all the work. They had to work for their Chipotle, and she didn't plan on carrying another box. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

        An hour later and Kristen was walking back up the stairs, this time instead of boxes in her hands, she had Chipotle. She had to admit she was pretty excited too. This would be the first time having it in years since there wasn't one in New Jersey, it was her favorite place during high school. "I'm back boys." She called, setting everything on the counter in the kitchen, and getting herself a drink from the fridge. Now all she wanted to do was eat, go take a shower, and relax for the rest of the night. She pretty much had the essentials set up already, like her bed and dresser and stuff. She just needed to put all the tiny things in their place, but she was way to lazy now. Plus she knew after she ate something she'd just want to sleep and not do any work at all. 

        "Kristen you actually are the best, you know that." Cal said, digging right into the bag and grabbing his two burritos. He didn't bother to grab anything else and quickly made his way back into the living room. Their apartment kitchen wasn't able to fit a kitchen table without it looking weird, or taking too much space, so they figured they'd just always eat in the living room. There was couches and a coffee table which was enough for them.

        "Yes Kris you rock." Sam told her, shooting her a smile and then peaking into the bag. "And you even remembered my extra guac on the side." He said, a bit surprised. He dug all his food out, turning around to go into the living room also. "Come on we're only ten minutes in." He said, referring to the movie they were currently watching.

        "Yeah, be right there." Kris told him, grabbing her food, her drink, and extra napkins and utensils in case they needed any. She knew they would, and of course she was the only one to remember that stuff. She sat down on the far end of the couch, Sam on the other end, and Calvin sitting alone on the small love seat. She got comfortable and started eating, watching intently. 

        "Doesn't this feel like old times guys?" Sam said, breaking everyone out of the movie trance. His smile took up his entire face and he glanced back between Cal and Kris.

        "Yeah, old times." Kristen muttered, smiling softly. Old times, just great.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2014 ⏰

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