Chapter 3

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"Oh shit, I'm sorry Kris." A familiar voice said, trying to stifle their laughter. He examined the damage he'd done, covering his mouth, and hiding a smile. There was ketchup on her shirt, sweet tea all down her pants, and chip crumbs stuck to everything she was wearing. She was a mess.

        Sam. Samuel Boggs, the very person Kristen was trying to avoid was standing right in front of her. She obviously wasn't doing a very good job of avoiding him if she walked right into him. He had no problem at all, in fact he was trying not to laugh at her. How great was that. Not only was she covered in bits of food, but the very last person she wanted to see was right there. So much for not being in Statesville. If no one has seen him for weeks then what was he doing here now?

        Kristen couldn't bring herself to look up at him, so she just stared down at the mess on her clothes. Well at least now she had an excuse to spend more time inside, avoiding Sam even more. "I'll be right back." She said to no one in particular, turning on her heel and walking back inside her house to change.

        Sam laughed turning towards Cal. "Wow, what a warm welcome." He joked, walking closer to him. "Hey man, I haven't seen you in months." Sam went in for a quick, brotherly hug, taking a seat at the picnic table afterwards. 

     "I'm good." Cal said, giving him a hug back. "I didn't know you were back in Statesvile. I've literally been here for weeks and I haven't seen you at all." He said, laughing slightly and taking a seat across from him at the picnic table.

        "I was moving into my apartment with my girlfriend. We just got a place in town. I haven't had the chance to see anyone yet cause we've been so busy moving all of her stuff." Sam explained, taking the time to glance around the yard. "She should be showing up soon." He mentioned, smiling. 

        Cal had totally forgotten that Sam had a girlfriend now. Last time he saw Sam that had been having problems and even Sam wasn't sure if they were going to stay together much longer. Well they obviously got over whatever they were going through, and decided to move in with each other. Cal didn't know how Kris was going to feel once she found out. Truthfully he didn't think that she could take seeing him and his girlfriend around but who knows maybe Kris was over him more then he thought. "I totally forgot you had a girlfriend." He said, smiling nervously. "What's her name again?" He asked, trying to sound happy for him. He would never deny that he wanted Kris and Sam together.

        "Her name's Karleen, and she's from here. Her family lives about two hours away but I convinced her to get an apartment closer to Statesville." Sam said, staring at the back door to Kristen's house. He was waiting for her to come back out. He couldn't deny that she looked good, and he really didn't mean to spill all her food on her. He was looking for someone, anyone he knew as soon as he got here and saw Calvin almost instantly. He headed over immediately, wondering who the blonde was. He figured it was Cal's girlfriend, not Kristen. Her hair was a lot shorter, and lighter then he remembered. She seemed to have gotten even smaller over the years, unless he just got bigger. He definitely expected to see her again in a different way. Maybe start off on a better note but there was nothing he could do now. 

        "Can't wait to meet her." Calvin said, snapping Sam out of his thoughts. 

        "Well there she is now." Sam said, jumping up to go over and greet her. He gave her a quick kiss hello, taking her hand and leading her further into the backyard. He was making his way over to Cal, but quickly got distracted by a few people, introducing her to them first. 

        Just at that moment Kristen decided to make another appearance, in a new outfit. She'd lazily thrown on a pair of jeans and a simple white blouse. She couldn't be bothered to try hard now. She quickly made her way back over to Calvin, passing Sam on the way. "Who's the girl?" She asked Cal, plopping down on the grass to pet her families chocolate lab, Winston. She scratched behind his ear, examining her a bit from the distance. She had to admit she was pretty. Her hair was a light brown and flowed all the way down her back. She had on an outfit Kris didn't even have the fashion sense to put together, and next to Sam they looked really good together. Even she couldn't deny that. 

        "Who do you think?" Cal replied, raising his eyebrows. He was still sitting at the picnic table, his back against the table and his head looking down at his phone, scrolling through something. 

        "His girlfriend? Wow." She commented, going back to petting the large dog that was now trying to climb onto her lap. Kristen kinda wished she had a boyfriend to parade around now, just so she didn't look like such a loser. They get back after four years and Sam has a model girlfriend and Kris has no one. 

        "Hey guys." Sam greets her and Cal, interrupting her thoughts. "Sorry about spilling all that stuff on you Kris." He apologized, but she could tell he was holding back a smile. His girlfriend was right next to him, a smile on her face also.

        "It's fine, don't worry about it." She told him, giving him a small smile. She stood up and took a seat next to Cal, waiting to be introduced to his girlfriend cause she knew it was going to happen.

        "This is Karleen." Sam said, motioning to the girl next to him. "Karleen, this is Kristen and Calvin, Kris and Cal for short usually." He explained, taking a seat on the other side of the table and bringing her down with him.         

        "Nice to meet you." Kris and Cal seemed to say in unison, laughing slightly after. Kris guessed Sam didn't tell her about their past, but why would he. 

        "You guys too." Karleen said, resting her elbows on the table. "Sam has told me so much about all his friends from back home, I couldn't wait to meet all of you." She said, a smile on her face. 

        Kristen politely smiled back, silently cursing. Damn it, she seemed nice. How could she hate her when she was like that? 

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