Chapter 2

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        Kristen jogged around the black, singing the words to the song she was listening to quietly. She was back in her old neighborhood, good old Statesville North Carolina. Everything looked the exact same thing since she left, it was like no time had passed. Coming home from college was very bittersweet. She couldn't wait to see her family, on the other hand she wanted to be back with all her college friends in the same great environment she'd spent the last four years in. 

        The last couple summers for her were spent coaching a girls travel soccer team out of New Jersey. So even when she wasn't in school all of her time was spent away from home. She honestly couldn't even remember the last time she was in North Carolina for more than two weeks. But now that she graduated and wouldn't be coaching anymore soccer teams she was stuck back in boring Statesville. 

        She slowed down a bit as she approached her house, plopping down on the steps leading up to the porch. She had been home for a little over a week and had yet to see anyone from high school. She'd somehow managed to avoid anyone running to the store for her mom, getting gas, and even jogging through the park. She had no clue how she did it, but she did. But at the neighborhood barbecue her family was throwing that evening she was bound to see someone she had once hung around with and that made her a tad nervous. She had kept in contact with as many of her friends as she possibly could. She talked to them as much as she could, but even she knew that they were all definitely not as close as they once had been. She knew she was ready to see all her old friends, but in a way she wasn't. She knew she had changed so much throughout those four years, and her friends had to of changed too. What if they couldn't get along as well as they once had? But aside from all her nervous feelings she had missed them all. They were all such a big part of her life when she was young there was no way she couldn't have missed them. Though there was one specific person she was trying to avoid, possibly the entire time she was home. Sam. But that was pointless cause she was going to see him at some point, it was inevitable. It was a small town after all, and their families lived just two neighborhoods away. 

        During those last four years she had tried to forget about Sam Boggs. She had a couple relationships in that time, and just happened to get out of one in fact. Though Sam always found a way to creep into her head, no matter how much she tried to forget about him. It didn't help that almost everything at home reminded her of him. The tire swing in the backyard that he broke way to many times, the basketball hoop in the driveway that he built her little brother, and their initials were even carved in the giant oak tree in her front yard. Her heart seemed to feel the heaviest when she caught a glimpse of the old tree house they had both lost their virginity's to each other in one hot summer night. She hadn't spoken to him in years and doubted he'd even recognize her now. Her once long blonde hair was chopped just about her shoulders in a layered messy way that suited her well. She had gotten more muscular and fit throughout the years due to soccer. Her once baby face had thinned out nicely, and she just looked older. But inside she was the same silly, sarcastic, fun loving Kristen she has been her entire life. 

        She tried not to ask her family too much about Sam. They had to know a little about what he was up to, considering their families were pretty close. When her parents found out that her and Sam had broken up they were more heart broken then she was. Both their families were sure they would be together for a long time as cheesy as that sounds. But Kris knew deep down that her and Sam ending things was for the best. There wasn't a place for each other in their new lives and they both kind of understood that. They needed their time apart to do what they had to do. 

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        Hours later Kristen finally came out of her room, the smell of hot dogs and her moms famous potato salad practically calling her name. She had been hanging out inside since the barbecue started, pretending to still be getting ready. But really she was just trying to avoid all her parents friend, and the awkward hugs and small talk they forced upon her once they noticed her. She couldn't hide forever and that fact that she hadn't eaten all day didn't help, so naturally she was going to stuff her face with all the barbecue essentials. During high school she used to practically beg her parents to have a barbecue. There was always good food, all her friends, a nice bonfire once the sun started setting, and just the comfort of knowing that you were surrounded by good people that all cared for each other. 

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