Dear Crush (7) (Edited)

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Dear Crush,

It is time for me to put a little distance between your life and my life. Let's think this way, we were just random people crossing each other, but I tried way too hard to make the lines cross at one point. Now I'm thinking, the two lines can't intersect and say at one point together forever, and that hurts. I'll rather be a parallel line with you then, because it is extendable. If there's some distance, maybe I'll say what's going on in my heart now.

RoP is perfect in this way. 28 days of me without you. Will you miss me? Obviously, we both know that you won't. You don't even know who I am. Your whole impression of me is the weird emotional girl who laughs in the corner with two other girls. But I will miss you. A lot. 

If I still want you after this, maybe this won't be an obsession any more. It might become something else-for the better or for the worse.

The girl you barely know

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