Dear Crush (4)

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Dear Crush,

Obviously, I am obsessed with you and sent a friend request to you on fb. *gasps*

What was more surprising is that you agreed *mentally pinches self to check if this is real*

I am worried about your sanity. You just added a freakish stalker. Well my sanity is always questionable so that isn't the problem. You need to be less friendly and welcoming because when you know someone is your stalker (I think you saw me taking a secret photo of you -_-) and add him/her on fb, you should also know your sanity has gone down the drain.

Oh yeah, your birthday is on 10th of July, and in case I chicken out and won't say 'Happy birthday' you know I mean it really :)

And *goes OMG in head* I am going to see you for 2 hours that day! I know I'm ridiculous but well I am going to creep you out by sneaking looks at you.

Come on, I can only be less obsessive if, (1) You become less attractive (2) You date me as hiding my obsession is worsening the condition (3) I find someone else to obsess over. Your choice ;)


New friend on FB

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