Almost Perfect

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He wasn’t a man of many words but damn did he talk a lot when he got drunk.

“That’s why you have to take the bull by the horns!”  Guffaws of laughter echoed throughout the place as I laid the last bag by the door.  Most of the girls were surrounding him doing shots as well but only my brother was drunk.  He always was a light weight.

“Eh!  Brother!  Get over and do some shots with us.”

Alcohol did sound good by now and if I said no I would be the only one not drinking.  “What’s on the menu?”  I wrapped my arms around one of the tipsy girls who just laughed and leaned back into me.

“I will lay it on the line for you.”  His words slurred all together that it was almost hard to understand him.  “Anything you can get your hands on.”  With that he grabs another shot glass and nearly spills most of it on his already spoiled shirt.  “Ah damn it!”  His anger melts into more laughter which the girls gladly join in.

I shake my head and reach out for my own drink and mange to get the entire beverage sliding down my throat in a burning sensation.  “Wow, you really did mean the hard stuff.”

“Psh!  Of course I did!  I am getting married in a week; need to have fun before the lady stops it.”

The girls groaned at the word married as though it was one of the worst things to happen.

“Now now ladies , I am sure you can find other men to help you out.  You need to know all angles of these men.”  The groomsmen growled causing the girls to scream out in mock horror.  “See!  These men are ready for yah!”

I looked around and spotted a certain redhead looking not at any of the ‘ready men’ but at the supposedly taken man.  She seemed more than ready to go to him and change his mind about being ‘tied down’.  I shook my head, took another shot and walked up to her.

“Having fun Rose?”

“Ah David, I was wondering the same thing about you.”

“Mmm, could be better.”

“Meaning you could be in bed with Adrianna?”

She must have seen the look on my face because she chuckled.  It wasn’t a nice chuckle but seemed to be more dark than happy.

“Everyone knows about you two.”

“Meaning?”  My eyebrows went up in my oh-so-innocent look.

“Don’t play coy David.  Though it was pretty rude how you called her out on the bus.”

“I don’t know what you are trying to get at Rose.”  I allowed my eyes to show her that I indeed was clueless, which I didn’t like being.

“You really don’t know, do you?”  That damned chuckle escaped her lips again and I wondered if it was one of her seduction tricks.  Rose was attractive and she knew it all too well, she used it all the time to get the guys she wanted.  At the moment I could tell she had her sights set on my brother.

“Just tell me Rose.”

“Adrianna is telling everyone you two hooked up and you’re denying it.”

“I am denying it because it isn’t true.”

“Well everyone believes her.”  A slow smile appeared on her lips and I realized something.

“You are enjoying this huh?”

“What can I say?  I enjoy drama.”  One hand was on her waist as she pushed out her breasts in a casual manner as if she didn’t realize what she was doing.  Maybe she didn’t but almost everyone did.

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