7 Day Game

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I look in the mirror and groan at the sight I see. I am actually wearing a suit. I hate suits. I hate the way they feel, the way they look, even the way they smell. It’s as if the suit stands for the ending of freedom, the ending of fun, the conclusion of youth and the prologue of adulthood. Ugh, I want out of this suit already and I had just put it on.

I have to wear it though, if not for Celia then for my brother Jared. Today is one of their special days and I can’t ruin any of it for them. I agreed to be the best man and to help my brother out in any possible way; if that meant wearing this horrid suit then so be it. Of course it also meant setting up the surprise bachelor party with the hot strippers and possibly getting laid throughout it all so…I guess being the best man does have its perks.

Chuckling at the memories of that almost forgotten night, I take one glance in the mirror and turn around. This is only the wedding reception but my mom wanted to make sure that all the grooms’ men’s and bridesmaid’s gowns/suits fit just right. Of course Celia wouldn’t be wearing her dress at all today being as that was ‘bad luck’. Whatever that meant. It’s just a dress, a dress that cost too fucking much, but a dress nonetheless.

I feel like Jared is making one of the biggest mistakes of his life by giving up his freedom. He was still in his twenties for God’s sake! You don’t get married till you’re like thirty and then, maybe then, think about kids. But no, Jared was the one that had to get everything done fast and then try and make it right. Celia and him have only been dating for six months, broken up twice in that amount of time, and then Jared proposed. No, it just wasn’t right. Celia deserved better, hell any girl deserved better than my brother.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my brother. He does have some great perks to him but at the same time he is just in a rush to get everything done. Ugh, I need a drink; my head is already spinning from all of this.My eyes scan the room and I find a bottle of liquor sitting on the counter as if waiting for me to pour it.I had just grabbed one of the glass cups and was about to pour the sweet nectar when my mom’s voice echoed around the room.

“David! You are not about to drink that are you?”

Busted, damn it. “Yes mom, this wedding stuff is not my cup of tea. You know that.”

“I damn well don’t care. Maybe you should be drinking tea instead of that.”

“Why is it even here if I can’t have any?”

“It’s for Jared and Celia to taste to make sure-“

“It’s what they like.” I finish her sentence having heard it a million times before. It’s always is for what they like.

“Yes and when you get married-“

I nearly choke on that one sentence. I look in the mirror and groan at the sight I see. I am actually wearing a suit. I hate suits. I hate the way they feel, the way they look, even the way they smell. It’s as if the suit stands for the ending of freedom, the ending of fun, the conclusion of youth and the prologue of adulthood.Ugh, I want out of this suit already and I had just put it on.

I have to wear it though, if not for Celia then for my brother Jared. Today is one of their special days and I can’t ruin any of it for them. I agreed to be the best man and to help my brother out in any possible way; if that meant wearing this horrid suit then so be it. Of course it also meant setting up the surprise bachelor party with the hot strippers and possibly getting laid throughout it all so…I guess being the best man does have its perks.

Chuckling at the memories of that almost forgotten night, I take one glance in the mirror and turn around. This is only the wedding reception but my mom wanted to make sure that all the grooms’ men’s and bridesmaid’s gowns/suits fit just right. Of course Celia wouldn’t be wearing her dress at all today being as that was ‘bad luck’. Whatever that meant. It’s just a dress, a dress that cost too fucking much, but a dress nonetheless.

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