Come Again?

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“What do you mean the house is under construction?”  Mom screamed into her phone.  Everyone was waiting in front of the very cutesy, very pink and very much taken over by construction machines.  This is also where the bride and bride’s maids were supposed to be staying.  “What am I supposed to do now?”  Mom’s voice was so shrill I couldn’t help but be surprised that the glass windows didn’t shatter.  “Fine, but I expect a discount.”

Mom flipped her phone off and turned to face us instantly masking her frustration with over the top enthusiasm.  She was a pro at covering up one emotion with the other.  “So the girls are going to be staying with the guys now.”  She clapped her hands as if this whole thing was such a great idea and was happy that the construction crew took over.

“Wait…What?”  One of the bride’s maids shouted in disbelief.

“Haha!  Slumber party!”  A grooms man high fived another.

“Yeah!  Just like when we were younger Anna!”

“Whoo!  Bachelor party!  We have girls now dude!”

Mom seemed happy that most of the girls were happy about the new arrangements; somehow though she didn’t notice any of the men’s complaints.  Maybe because there were hardly any comings from them; most people were happy about it.  “The house is big enough for everyone but unfortunately people are going to have to pair up.”

Cat calls, hoots, and groans were her answers.  “What about people who don’t want to pair up?”  My smirk showed that I was clearly pushing her buttons.

“They can sleep on the floor smart ass.”  If it had been anyone else the answer would have been different.  Obviously, because it was me, I got that type of answer.  She saw right through my intentions much to my friend’s amusement.  “Okay, everyone back into the car!  The boy’s house is a few hours away!”

The house looked just like any normal, blue, house except there were no other houses around it.  The girl’s house was right in the middle of town so it was quite different.  I could hear some of the bride’s maids whining about the ‘dirty’ outdoors and how they hate camping.  Thoughts of how the bride was doing came to my mind.

“This is it!”  My mom’s over eager voice seemed to echo around my head.  I was going to need an ibuprofen later.  “Everyone out of the car.  Girls get first pick of rooms.”  The guys started to protest but mom shot them a look.  “Which I am sure the boys are fine with seeing as they are all gentleman.”

The girls screamed a celebratory cheer while pushing by all the upset men who were giving mocking bows.  Of course all of the girl’s bags were left by the vehicles for us men to pick up.  “Typical.”  Was all I could mumble as the groom walked up to the house empty handed.  “Seriously?  Not even a small purse?”  My brother was a lot of things, and lazy was definitely one of them.

I glanced down at the pile of bags in disbelief.  It was as though every girl brought two duffle bags, a huge purse that could count as a duffle bag, and one normal sized purse.  It was just plain ridiculous.  “Come on guys, let’s get these into the house and find somewhere to sleep.”

“You mean the floor?”  Ben-one of the grooms me-grumbled in annoyance.

“Or we could pair up.”  This from Jake who was waggling his eyebrows up and down.  He had this plan of sleeping with everyone of the girls save the bride.  If he went near Isobel I may have to throw him out.

“Well one thing is clear, we need to get these into the house before the girls lock us out.”  I grabbed two duffle bags and two purses leading the men in.

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