Tours and LiveStream

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Louis' P.O.V.

Niall and a the guys just left to go to Niall's mom's house. Taylor and Niall are giving the girls a tour of Ireland.

I didn't want to go, because Zayn's birthday is coming up and it's my turn to plan it. I sighed and sat back on the couch in

Niall's fathers house. What can I do?

Taylor's P.O.V.

The guys came over and they all went to their girlfriends. I sighed. Where's Louis?

"Tay, Lou stayed back because he had stuff to do" Harry said

"Oh" I said sadly

I walked outside and everyone followed me. Niall came and wrapped an arm around me.

"Let's get this tour on the rode" he shouted

*Two Hours Later*

Niall said that we should go back to mom's house. We agreed and walked home. When we got home, I sat on the couch and took

a selfie with Lexi and Liam. I posted it and look at my Twitter notifications. Their was so many. Some from the guys, some from fan and hate. I get a lot of hate because I'm Niall's sister and because I'm with Louis. I dislike haters.

My fandom sticks up for me and I love them for that. I tweeted that I'm having a LiveStream in thirty minutes.

"Who wants to be in my Live Stream?" I ask setting everything up

"Well me and Ana can" Niall said while Ana nodded

"Great, who else?" I asked

"Why not all off us do it" Harry snickered

"Ok, crowned around guys" I said turning on my webcam

I saw people typing in caps.

"Hello everyone" I smiled

I got a bunch of 'Hello' and requests for shout outs.

"Alright, well I'm here with my best friends and 4 of the members of 1D, we are going to answer your questions" I said

My phone buzzed with notifications. I smiled to see one of them was Louis!

"Ok, this one is from @LouisTomlinson and he asked Taylor what color theme do you want for the wedding?" I giggled and blew a kiss to the camera   

"Well Tay what colors?" Zayn smirked

"If Louis likes the colors then I was thinking Tardis blue and black" I said

I looked at the chat and saw Louis message. It said 'I love it babe!' Everyone awed as I looked for more questions.

"Oh! I got one" Lexi said

"What is it?" Liam asked

"It's from @a_ginger_2013 and it says who's dating who" she said reading her phone

"That's Genny, I haven't talked to her in awhile, and you all know I'm marrying Louis" I said

"I'm with Niall" Ana said leaning into my brother

"I'm with Zayn" Adrie giggled as Zayn kissed her check

"I'm with Harry" Rydel said

"I'm married to Riker Lynch" Dianna said

"And finally I'm with Liam" Lexi said winking at the screen

"I have a question and it's from @Liamisamazing: thank you and the answer to your question is me and Sophia broke up because I love Lexi" Liam said pecking my maid of honors head.

Everyone awed and we answered more questions.

"Ok, well we have to go, I love you all! Bye" I said, the last part with everyone and logged off and shut everything down

"Girls we need to go" Liam said

"Ok, tell Lou and dad I love them please" I asked

"Sure thing sis, love you and I love you Ana" Ni Ni said

I hugged the boys along with the girls and watched them leave. Mom came hone an hour or two after they left.

I made dinner and we eat. After dinner we all went to bed.

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