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Cousin's wedding tomorrow! I'm in a good mood so I thought I'd update early. Enjoy!


I let out a gasp and spun to dodge the arms that reached for me.

But Mother Nature had decided to give me two left feet when I was born, and as I hadn't practiced in a while, I was currently as clumsy as a newborn lamb.

Surprisingly, I actually managed to dodge him and get to the stairs.

But that's when my temporary moment of agility came to an end. It seemed that my body had decided I was not currently in a life-threatening situation, and saw no need to grant me a much-needed adrenaline rush. In my typical clumsy fashion, I abruptly tripped over the edge of a stair and went tumbling down the staircase, landing in a winded heap at the bottom and basically announcing my presence to every intruder in my house.

Just as I was about to jump to my feet and run like I was about to be murdered (which could've been true), a pair of black  boots appeared in front of me. I dizzily heaved myself up, trying to regain my bearings.

Biting my lip, I slowly looked upwards. My eyes trailed up past fitted black jeans, to a white shirt that was partially covered by a leather jacket.

Then came a lean, slightly curved neck, which met a structured jawline covered in the faintest hint of stubble.

Then a slightly crooked nose, showing that he'd had his fair share of brawls in the past.

And then his eyes. Ice cold blue eyes, like wintery glaciers speckled with silver snow. A storm in his pupil, emotions askew. Yet he still managed to look regal and calm as he stood in front of me.

Messy brown hair covered his head, so dark it was almost black. Random spikes were sticking up all over the place, making me feel the sudden urge to run my hands through it.

Hot damn.

Who wouldn't want a piece of that?

What the heck, Kristy? What is wrong with you? This is not an appropriate situation to be having these thoughts.

I looked him up and down, wondering how it wasn't illegal to be that good looking.

The intruder cleared his throat, drawing my attention to his face again. His expression was one of mild surprise, as if someone had cracked a funny joke and actually expected him to laugh. He didn't look like he ever smiled. I frowned.

I would have to change that. Wait, what?

"Ahem. If you're quite done staring,"

His voice was cold, and I found myself wanting to make it soften, just for me.

...Yep. You need to get your brain checked. You're definitely crazy.

"Who are you?" I asked, ignoring his earlier comment.

His eyes narrowed slightly as he said, "Your worst nightmare."

I stared at him. Really? That threat was so....old. My grandma would say that if I didn't eat my vegetables. If I had a grandma, that is.

"And if you know what's good for you," he continued, "You'll go and sit down on that chair over there. With your hands on your head."

He crossed his arms and waited, as if expecting me to obey.

I didn't move. He was quickly becoming less attractive by the second.

"Go on," he moved his hand in a shooing motion. "Get."

I sucked in a sharp breath.

Oh no he didn't.

I was pretty sure steam was coming out of my ears by now.

Who did he think he was, strutting around my house like he owned the place, treating me like a toddler!? He was the one in my territory, not the other way around! He had no right to even be here, let alone order me about!

I saw his eyes widen slightly as he noticed how mad I was, but suddenly, I didn't care.

I was stressed and tired and ready to relax, but he had just come along and ruined my few hours of peace time. On the one day that the rest of the house was blessedly absent.

This guy was going to pay.

I exploded.

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