Chapter 46

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She waited in the silence and stillness of the night, her foot tapping on the pavement in an incessant beat. She turned to her right: maybe she should just walk back home. Then she turned to her left: the new office and dorms that Kim Taehyung worked and lived at were in that direction. She looked at the house right in front of her...this is exactly where her instincts had led her, but now, she didn't want to be here anymore.

She sighed through her nose, plucking up just enough courage to walk to the door. She knocked on it once...twice. There was no answer. She convinced herself that this was enough. She had tried and nothing had happened. She should turn around and walk home. She took a few steps and her subconscious made her falter.

You both need closure.

She looked at her laced shoes and turned back around. If no one was opening the door she would call Eun In. Maybe she was here.

The first ring.

The second ring.

Na Ri counted silently, and on the sixth one Eun In finally picked up.

"Hello?" Her friend's voice floated up. Na Ri then realised just how long she had gone without talking to any of them. With school work increasing, and her scholarship interviews just around the corner, coupled with the workload of planning an entire music video, and working on the manuscript, and working at the store...she hadn't seen any of them or heard from in so long.

"Hey," She retorted smally. She felt incredibly guilty now. If not for any other reason but to make sure they are okay, she should have been calling them every once in a while.

"Are you home?" Na Ri continued.

"Um...yeah, I am. I was just doing some late night reading," Her friend laughed at the other end. Na Ri wondered what was funny about that statement.

"I'm standing outside..." She said lamely. She heard someone shuffle on the other side and then the door behind her clicked open. She turned around and before she could even put down her phone she was embraced by her friend. Na Ri stumbled but welcomed Eun In's affection. She even wrapped her arms around her shoulder.

"I've missed you so much. You work too much Na Ri. You don't have any time on your hands. You shouldn't live like this. Oh...come in." She stopped hugging her and dragged her into her home. After an onslaught from Eun In, she was targeted by her dog Dubu. Na Ri tried to keep up with his barks, and licks and movements, but she grew tired and just let him snap and lick at her.

"See, even Dubu agrees that you need to come here more often." Na Ri laughed, welcoming the comfortable, familiar smell of Eun In's home.

"What were you reading?" Na Ri got up, her hands still scratching Dubu behind his ears.

"I found Yoongi's old diary lying around, from his middle school days, and picked it up for a light read. And before you come at me with the entire privacy thing...last week, he found my Harry Potter fanfiction and spoke to me only with the dialogue written in it for the next few days. We're way past respecting each other's privacy." Eun In showed Na Ri the small red notebook, making her giggle. They were such an odd couple.

"I'm glad you are getting along so well with him." Na Ri smiled with her eyes as she looked at her friend.

"What made you come here at this time of the day?" Eun In asked, her eyes darting to her, changing the subject suddenly.

"I...I needed to talk with Young Hyun," Na Ri said, not bothering to lie at all. Hurt flashed in Eun In's eyes but she nodded her head.

"But I am glad I got to meet you. My mother was wondering when you were going to come home for the next meal. Should I tell her you will come next Saturday?" Na Ri asked, her eyebrows rising in question. Eun In smiled shyly and nodded. She then directed Na Ri to Young Hyun's room. Before she left, Na Ri reached out and grabbed her friend's wrist.

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