Chapter 4

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Ch 4

     Eight years ago....................

          Heaven's body was bruised and dirty as someone yelled: "Ring master!! A girl is here and alive!"  The ringmaster came and she heard the keys jiggling in his pockets, he knelt down to her as he inspect his injury and said: "Young lady what is your name?"  Heaven groaned as she felt water in his lungs as she said: "I'm Heaven..."  The ringmaster nodded as he told his helpers: "Josh, Carten! Bring her back to the circus!"  The three men brought her back to the circus as the ringmaster came in seconds later, he smiled as he said: "Miss Heaven what happen to you?"  Heaven looked at him as she retreat back to her corner, the ringmaster said: "Now now my child don't be scared I won't hurt you, you will have a better life with me here."  Heaven looked at her shivering as she said: "Where...where is my sister?"  The ringmaster nodded and said: "Take some rest Heaven, we will find your sister."  Heaven nodded as she drifted off to sleep, the ringmaster looked at her necklace as he smiled: "Guys! Where is the other sister!"  The three men shake their heads as he said: "Boss we didn't find another sister."  The ringmaster pulled the men on the collar and said: "You get that sister for me!! This girl have the necklace to the curse we need them together to break the curse!"  

        PRESENT DAY.................

            Lila looked at her best friend as Heaven looked at the family picture in her wallet, her baby sister is alive after everything they gone through. The pilot announced: "Our plane will be landing in five minutes, everyone please fastened their seatbelts and prepare for landing!"  Everyone fastened their seatbelts as the plane landed safely onto the runaway. Heaven went to pick the luggage as she caught a glimpse of a guy staring at her, Lila pulled on her shirt as she said: "Heaven there is something wrong here."  Heaven looked at her and said: "What?"  Lila shake her head as Heaven said: "I need to go check up on that guy."  Lila nodded as Heaven walk up to him as she ask: "Why are you staring at me?"  The man smiled as he said: "Miss...I was never looking at you."  Heaven shake her head as she said: "You were I saw you."  The guy smirked as he stare interested at her said: "I like you Heaven, but you have to be careful time is clicking."  The guy walked away as Heaven kept on calling him. This guy looks familiar but she couldn't remember.

             Noelle's mind was all over the place as she questioned the girl where she got that necklace, she knew it was fake because her sister made a back up necklace. The police was searching for the killer as they stopped in front of her house, she opened the door as he said: "Are you Noelle?"  Noelle smiled as she said: "Yes I am what can I help you officers?"  The police smiled as he said: "We just have a few questions."  Noelle opened the door as they say: "Noelle where were you two days ago."  Noelle said: "At the beach with my friends."  The police nodded as they said: "Carter died on the beach just to let you know."  Noelle let them go as she went back to her room, loading her gun. 

              Lila and Heaven was walking on the beach as they saw an officer picking up some things in the crime scene, Heaven walked up to him and said: "Hello officer what happened here?"  The officer looked at her as he said: "Noelle? WHat are you doing?"  Heaven looked curious as she said: "You saw my sister?"  The officer walked up to her and looked closely at her as he said: "You're not Noelle?"  Heaven shake her head as she said: "I'm Heaven."  The officer nodded as he smirked and found the silver crown pocketwatch. Heaven contined asking but the officer didn't respond to her, the officer took his police car as he went straight to Noelle's house. The officer got out of his car as walked up to Noelle's house and rang the doorbell, Lila and Heaven followed closely behind.

              The door opened as the officer said: "Noelle I have something to ask you."  Noelle said: "Go ahead ask."  The officer pulled out the crown pocketwatch as he said: "This is yours I suppose, I saw it on you before."  Noelle smiled as she said: "thank you."  The officer pulled out his handcuff as he said: "You killed him didn't you?"  Noelle smiled as she stabbed the officer and said: "Yeah I did what will you do."  Suddenly the door opened as Lila and Heaven stepped in, Noelle was shocked as she dropped the knife and said: "Hello sister."  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2012 ⏰

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